Description: This modern, two-sided war zone is all around great for games. It's a well sized, symmetrical map with a hill in the center. Accompanied in the middle hill area is the 'creek' or whatever you want to call it but if you go down there, You can always just come back up with the teleporters. Not every 'map-break' has been found yet but in time they will. Just try not to you know? lol what's so fun about it when you do anyways? Other than that enjoy Tainted Creek! Backstory: The Elite's water supply once came from this creek, but after the war it became tainted with the taste of blood and sweat. 8-14 players. Pictures: Overview Blue Base Behind Blue Base Under Blue Base Red Base Behind Red Base Under Red Base The Middle The Creek Overview Shots: Middle Overview Overview 1 Overview 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Types: Works with the regular Slayer, Oddball, and CTF. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forger's Note: If you do find some ways out, let me know. If you find a way out in an actual game, don't be a party pooper. Just stay in the map, so everyone can have fun. Thanks and enjoy Tainted Creek! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks: T3chnomonkey - Thanks for the map name buddy lol. Scorpulus - Thanks for placing weapons. I Roboto - Thanks for your suggestions. xXAppleSkaterXx - Thanks for just sittin there talking to me lol. Official Y35 - Thanks for suggestions. If I missed anyone else, thanks! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download: Tainted Creek
pretty nice looking. It's hard to tell what the overall layout is like from the pics, but the sections shown are cool. Very good floor interlocking. I'm not a fan of the fuel rod, but hey I guess it works on some maps.
Nice idea, cant really see the whole map thought. and Plasma the teleporters are for blocking off the open spot i think.. And Scopulus try merging a wall into the ground the cover up the spot instead of teleporters it'll make the map look better
looks pretty good. Can't DL because won't load on my dad's computer. it just keeps refreshing the page.
This map is very pro and nicely done, but there seems to be the usual problem with most maps: Weapon placement. Thats some mighty fine amount of power weapons! Sword, two snipes, two brute shots and a fuel rod. Thats a hell of a lot of power in a small looking map. Even if it isn't small its too much I think. I don't I could be wrong but I suggest getting rid of one or two, for better balance. It just seems quite overpowering is all. Otherwise looks good, but Id take my advice at least into consideration. :]