Link to Map----> Necropolis Hey Everyone! This is my new map, i call it Necropolis (duh!) i was advised by people to put this on forge hub so here i am! anyway its a city/urban themed map which is great for infection, there isnt too many corners and hidey holes that the last man can hide in and be invincible! but there is a few, and none of them spawn weapons inside them so there will be no camping, its also is great for territories for a gang themed map and gametype, which is why i split the map into 4 bits to help you make a territories map, this includes the Building Site, Apartment Blocks, The Embassy and The Back Allys. Here are some screenshots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ -The main road, this is where ive witnessed alot of vehicles zooming past -Part of the back allys, this one is where the active camo spawns(with a cone on it!) -This is the main corridor for the back allys -This is what i call the "embassy" there is a small room where the overshield spawns(with a cone on it!) -Here is the building site there is also a room where the custom powerup spawns(with a cone on it!) This is the supermarket i classed it in with the apartment section of the city -This is the apartment zone -A nice view of the skyline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes- I wanted the custom powerup to be something to blend in and seem natrual like the overshield and active camo, so the special ability that comes with the custom powerup sould be set to 300% speed and 50% gravity. Zombies spawn in 4 different places but all in the same area (the embassy), this was to prevent spawn killing. humans spawn at the start if the main road(next to a bar where fire bombs spawn, just like flaming cocktales haha) all buildings have roofs on them even the back allys, but the supermarket doesnt have roofs becuase thats were alot of weapons spawn and if there aint no roofs thats atleast 50% of your protection gone. the corridors at the back of foundry have been sealed of, simply becuase i couldnt place anymore objects on the map, it always said "cannot spawn object too many on map" the embassy has a warthog and 2 mongooses, the building site has a guass warthog and a mongoose and the back allys have a mongoose. the reason some areas have better/more vehicles is becuase its more realistic, hence the back ally inhabitents wouldnt have 5 warthogs would they? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please download and rate and if you wish post comments on improvments praise or critisism, either way your choice. Every downlaod is appreciated and i will reply to ALL comments INTERLOCKING VERSION OF NECROPOLIS COMING OUT SOON [Goodbye And Happy Forgeing] -Syler 19
you need to embed your links. Use photobucket or something. Embeded pics will get you more feedback and downloads.
you have to imbed your pics, go to the sticky that says how to post them. nnice post otherwise, but you need your pics imbedded.
im truly sorry everyone im new to forgehub, i can see this is nothing like the forums, adain i apologize im working on the problem now, thanks for checking the post out thought happy forging
interesting, from the screenshot links, i can see that it is very messy, and it would look better if you interlocked. read this thread to know how to interlock, and then your map becomes the awseomnesz! =) im sure it plays well, but interlocking will help with the flow of the game, not to mention the number of downloads
it looks really good for ur first map, most likely dl. Ill give direcs for embedding pics. Good map! Directions for embedding pictures: 1. Save the picture onto your computer by right clicking it and pressing save as... 2. Go to: 3. Once there click Browse. 4. Search for the saved picture. It'll be where ever you saved it. 5. Double click the picture to select it. 6. Press "host it!". 7. Scroll down once it bring you to the next screen. 8. Copy everything in the "Hotlink for forums (1)" box. 9. Paste it in your post. : )
Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to forgehub standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read this topic for more information about correct posting format. If you need help with embedding pictures, follow these instructions. You must first access them from your screenshots section in your Halo 3 profile. Then, save them to your computer. You must use and external image hosting site, such as imageshack. Upload the images then select them. It should provide and image url for you, then take that url and insert it into the text box that appears when you click the image icon while posting. Good luck with your post, and if you need any further assistance please PM me or a forgehub moderator.