I have put together some maps I have made. For some reason that I don't know they all ended with the word 'Stated'. UnderStated (http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=38239320) CTF,Assult,Teri,Slayer,KOTH,Oddball OverStated (http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=38239396) CTF,Assult,Teri,Slayer,KOTH,Oddball DownStated (http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=38239382) CTF,Assult,Teri,Slayer,KOTH,Oddball ShortStated (http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=38239331) CTF,Assult,Slayer,KOTH,Oddball MultiStated (For Multi-Team) (http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=38239309) Slayer,KOTH
These maps all look the same. Its cool that you have them all as "stated" but other then that, I dont see anything special. Also a description of each map might help me realize something "special" about the map.
It's hard to explain every map -.- I try to make the maps involving a lot But here goes. UnderStated 2 Snipers 2 Brute Shots 1 Rocket Launcher 8 Battle Rifles 2 Needlers 1 Shotgun (Low Ammo) 1 Energy Sword 2 C-Carbines 2 Regeneraters 2 Bubble Shields 2 Energy Drains 1 Active Camo (Hidden) 1 Overshield (Hidden) There is a tunnel that goes underneath the level. Combines open/closed areas for close combat and sniper/BR battles. OverStated 2 Snipers 2 Rocket Launcher (Low Ammo) 8 Battle Rifles 2 Needlers 2 Shotguns 4 Magnums 2 Regeneraters 1 Active Camo 1 Overshield A bridge over the top of the level provides passge across the level. Stratergies are key to winning any of the game types. DownStated 2 Snipers 8 Battle Rifles 2 Needlers 2 Shotguns 2 Brute Shots 1 Gravity Hammer 2 Regeneraters 2 Energy Drains 1 Active Camo 1 Overshield Tunnels going down into the centre of the map make players converge onto one area. ShortStated Close cambat with few weapons. 4 Battle Rifles 8 SMG's 2 Brute Shots MultiStated Cages outside the map with teleporters lessen spawn killing. On KOTH the hills are hard to keep. Lots of fun involved. 4 Battle Rifles 4 Energy Swords 4 Sniper Rifles
looks alright. you can turn your bridges upside down to make it look alot nicer.. other then that it looks pretty well.
Well the bridges are bridges so im keeping them like that, and the same with the ramps. I know they look alright upsidedown but meh. I should put some pics on showing the battles on the maps. KOTH works well on all the maps. Recommendations. CTF on UnderStated 1 Sided Assault on ShortStated KOTH OverStated KOTH MultiStated Teri/LandGrab DownStated
Yeah, but building complecated maps with a lot of merging is too time consuming. I like building a map on foundry that are fun to play. Each map has unique features. Apart from some having the arches. (Understated/DownStated)
Well how about downloading them -.- Pictures of the map can only show so much, and a description is only good if you can describ stuff very well. English isn't part of my degree course at Uni for Electrical Engineering -.-