Air Tight Created by Master Jamster Supported Gametypes: Zombie gametypes only Map Description This map named Air Tight is basically a building located in the centre of Foundry. Inside this building is where the humans spawn. They are given a full range of luxuries: A big sofa with remote control (deployable shield which never respawns.) A huge tv (Which the zombies can appear through.) Fireplace (Simulated by a gravity lift which the zombies can use to enter the house.) Garage (which is located outside and cannot be accesed by humans and is there for scenery only) Sun roof (yet another entry point for the zombies by destroying the pallets on top.) The zombies spawn outiside the building and can access it in 3 ways. Either by the fireplace which is loacted down the right side of the building from which the zombie spawns and involves crouching through a tunnel. The rooftop which is done by the teleporters on the ground at each corner of the house to get to the roof and then by destroying one of the pallets which covers a gap can drop down. Or by the famous way of going and being on TV! Done by simply going to the opposite end of the house from the zombie spawn and going through the teleporter. Humans will usually find it difficult to cover every access point at the same time making it very overwhelming and even scary at some points. The main feature of this map is that zombies can get in but humans can't get out. I've never gone through a game where nobody has been frightened by the zombies surprising them so i hope you enjoy this map and have fun. Pictures and the gametype can be found below. _________________________________________________ Hello and for tonights presentation Guys there's a zombie in the fireplace and its looking right at me Ninja attacks silently _________________________________________________ Zombies gametype: Rats Map variant: Air Tight
There's not enough room to take a picture of the whole room and my limit of 50 screenshots has been reached so theres nothing i can really do but its pretty straight foward when you play it.
for more pics remove the roof in forge and for the screenes save what you need on your service record then delete some to free up space oh and it looks great if not small
over used idea this, but it seems to push the other over used zombie concepts out the way this has three interesting entrances making the gameplay more fluent i suppose not my map but its nicely constructed indeed
its an old concept, zombie house, with guys inside they kill zombies yada yada yada and a lot of house maps are out there
you do know that you can take screenshots and they will go to your service record, then you can delete those pictures you just took and take more and still have them all on your service record. Right?
great map. i love infection if anyone shares my passion for infection add me I'll play anytime gamertag: BLAZING GEARs