Reverence Reverence 1.1 This is an asymmetrical room based arena inspired by Sabaoth's Hangout design. There are 6 rooms, 3 BRs , 2 Carbs, 2 Magnums and 1 Rocket Launcher. The map is setup for Team Slayer, Team Ball, Team KOTH but there is also an FFA build here. 1.1 Changes: - Moved Magnums to plasma nade spawns. - Moved Rockets to tall box in large B room. - Added Snipe to tall box in large A room. - Added Active Camo to the top of the stairs in the hallway - Removed corner spawns. Video Please leave feedback.
I really like the layout of this map. It's so simple but I can see some very good gameplay coming from it. DL'd
nice interlocking and geo merging... i like how the boxes are like that when there walls. the layout as of what i can tell looks really good. it kinda reminds me of chill out. thats a good thing. :-D
Wow, nice interlocking. The layout of this map looks like it would be perfect for 1v1's or 2v2's. It kind of has that "closed in" feeling, making for interesting gameplay. It definately has my download as soon as I get my xbox360 repaired..
I love the hell out of this map. Glad to see that you posted it here. Reverance is an excellent example of how a quality map can be made without having to resort to the budget glitch, which allows for much smoother gameplay (no framerate loss). Is this the original release from the MLG boards or does this have some of the updates you were planning? Regardless, this is a beautiful map and I highly recommend it to everyone. And if the MLG weapons layout isn't your bag, there's plenty of money left to change it around to your liking. I think it was around $60 bucks if I remember correctly...
I have played this map and I would reccomend it to anyone. Very good gameplay, keeps you moving around, not alot of camping.
Thanks. Thanks for the feedback guys. For all of my interlocking I use guideblocks to keep things neat. Boxes on their side have a kind of ruler near the bottom edge along the dark strip. There are lines you can use to judge things when objects are not spawned. This is the original map, Im still testing changes and will be posting an updated version soon. Please test the map and leave suggestions for improvements!
Yayy a v2!!! Anyway, it's really helpful to use the 'ruler method'. It really helps. I think there are too few weapons on the map. Could add some in v2.
Yes. following feedback already received v1.1 will have at least one more power weapon, probably a snipe. And OS. Im toying with the idea of having a 1 way tele from where rocks spawn now up to top, let me know how you guys think that would work.
Excellant! This reminds me of Ascension from Halo2, but im not sure why. This looks like it will have excellant playability as well as Aesthetics. Great job, keep up the good work! Happy Forging! Desert Rat 852
I really like the originality of the map. I have not played the map, but it looks like it would be pretty fun to play it. The only thing that is really missing from the map is any Pizazz, or Zazz. But Overall I like how the doublebox walls go all the way to the ceiling, it really adds atmosphere.
Baron, you are clearly new here but I can already see great potential. Your maps are elegant yet not overly complex, gameplay is stream-lined and you use advanced techniques fairly well. I look forward to more of your maps.
Thanks for the replies everyone, and for the warm welcome. @Lintendo64: Thank you very much! I have several ideas in the pipeline at the moment including: A symmetrical room based map A symmetrical 3 base map Legacy was first and Reverence second. Please accept my humble apologies for not posting them here sooner.