Okay, this map has 2 bases floating in the air shaped like u's. The map it self is good on all gametypes except infection, and KOTH and maybe VIP. In the u's there are merged open boxes and a teleporter and a turret. Just so you know this map is kind of old when i wasn't that good of a map maker. Just so u know. So its good on Assualt,CTF, Slayer, and maybe VIP. its good with 4-12 players! It does have vehicles. Download here: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=36719524 Screens: one of the 4 tunnels over veiw of Horseshoes one of the 2 immoveable turrets I hope you like! Enjoy!!!
pretty unique you dont see much foundry maps that you can use vehicals that dont completely over power everything, nice thinking,
Hmm this looks good and I like the idea. However, the horseshoes look somewhat small and plain, leading me to think the battles will take place below and the entire map shall be disregarded. Try something like maybe a second floor on each horseshoe or something to "spice" up each shoe. The vehicles look good for escaping tight situations on the ground also. A bigger description would help, like, just things about weapon placement. Those are all my suggestions. Great idea though, just seems like it can be improved. I will DL however and see. I could be wrong afterall! :]