Map based up GrifBall with an improved map and much much much more, reduced spawn killing too soccer like goals, Unescapable wall, hill in the middle for bomb spawn teleporters to make goals look cool signs at goal and signs on side of level pointing to goal, a lot harder then grifball takes a little more skill. (DoughnutBall08 Gametype, 8-16 players, Foundry - DoughnutBall08 Map ) New Center: New Wall: I want you to test if it works at all, if it's blocked off, if it's smooth, if it's fun. Thanks Guys. P.S. Everyone spawns on top of Goal making it harder to spawn kill and makes the game harder. Credit goes to xTEMx RIKU, Cabbosekilla678, and BIGGnelson. Please think of a good caption for the Map thanks.
Third Beta will be realesed tommorow top floor added. Wire spools imoveable, tell me what we should do with the crane final version will have a perfect wall and updated crane and some updates to playing field so give ne some suggestions before i realese the third and mabe last beta!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea but this map your downloading is only the first beta third beta will be realesed soon. As soon as it is tested.
nice map, griffball is already very good and that goal spawn makes it better but I'm afraid that players with the ball going for it will be smashed of the stairs from a mid-range but good job 3/5