Conflict Posted Today at 06:15 PM by Abyssal_hunt3r ]hi, my name is tyler and i luv makin maps but they never really turned out right but then i leaned how to interlock objects and now my maps are a heck of a lot better so here is my first map im posting to forge hub and my first one using interlocking i hope you find it okay at least its very well suited to br's me and the people who tested it comented but it is definitly a slayer oriented map it wont work for any other game type so just anything slayer okay okay here are a few screen shots of the map!!! an overview of the map some gameplay where the sniper spawns some more gameplay where the sword spawns Where the rockits spawn well i hope you like the map!!!!!!! DOWNLOAD Conflict click this link-------->
Hello new member and welcome to forgehub. As you visit this site more often, you will get used to everyone and discover what a close knit community we are. However, I can see your post isn't quite in line with the posting rules. If you would please read this topic for information instructing you on proper posting and rules. Thank you, and if you have any further questions please contact me by sending me a private message.
the pics arent working and under where it says some more gameplay you forgot the [ before /img] EDIT:o and i also forgot to tell you that the picture for the last one is the link for the picture but it has to be imageshack or photobucket for it to work so that might be why the others aren't showing up
Hurry up and fix your pictures I really want to see your map. All you have to do is follow Brute's link he gave you.
**** this this ****ing site is retarted i tryied uploading my mutherfucking pics using imageshack and ****ing photo bukit this **** is retarted
I looked at the pics on your bungie profile, and it looks like you didnt interlock at all, it looks sloppy and bare in some places