Map Title:Twist and Turn My friend wanted me to post this. DOWNLOAD MAP HERE Description: This is a really really good race map my friend made for just us but i think it deserves more credit, it has a glitch were you dont spawn with the spawn points you spawn on the other side of the map so if that happens look around and youll see a teleporter that leads to the mongooses.I found some stupid useless objects layin around so i sort of refined this map to be more user friendly.It is made for racing but is fun with rocket launchers and fuel rod cannons.You can get all jacked up and in some cases the only way out is suicide. Thats about it it was made by C1cyberwolf1C and refined by yours truly Charliezulublue.
Wow this does look pretty extreme. The map really does live up to it's name and I like how despite the pictures looking that crowded it really isn't.
It looks pretty suggestion would be to interlock some of the objects...this would lessen the bumps that you would have while racing...great job though...keep up the good work and keep learning new ways!!!
Fix the picture, you should try to post, but, the description of the map is good over all.