Yes the everlonging Guitar Hero series is about to be exstended once more after GHAerosmith. I myself think this game looks amazing. I just spent about 45minutes reading the brand new article i got in the mail off my "Gameinformer" magazine and will summerize it up just for you guys. [the article is way too long to type anyways] NOTE: you dont HAVE to read all of it. A skimming works too. So Please NO posts about, "wow this is too long" or something like that. Thank you :]! Overview: Now we all know the creators of this fantastic series: Harmonix, Activision, Red Octane and Neversoft. Yet Harmonix with EA's help left and created that stupid knock-off Rock Band. Then Activision gave the the task of creating GH3 to Neversoft. Neversoft when all out on creating this game to give players the best-of-the-best. When Harmonix then came out with its 4-player Rock Band set, Guitar Hero still beat them in sales - By January of 08' it had been the fastest 1Billion dollar franchise in gaming history. This time Neversoft has its sights set on not only achieving the status quo, but shattering it peices with GH4. They expect it to be five times better than GH3 was. Forming The Band: Now all the rumors about Guitar Hero making the full band ensamble its exactly true. Guitar, Bass, Drums and vocals. But they want to be BETTER than Rock Band and have now created a dum set, with cymbols. "It gives the player a more life-like drumming experience" Prject Director Brian Bright says. "Its not like Harmonix invented that drum part, its been there for years in the arcade games". Be your own Rockstar: Neversoft did the Create-A-Skater with their Tony Hawk games, now they are bringing it here for the Create-A-Rockstar mode. In their Tony Hawk games really all you could change were the body attributes but now you will be able to change everything. From the size of your nose to your face paint you wear on stage. They want not two Rockstars alike. Also you can alter your age look ["just incase you wanted to create maybe wanted to create the Rolling Stones" jokes Bright.] And even create your own custom tattoos and facepaint! Ever notice the characters to different thing when they win or lose? Well now you can change those to make your character to what they want. Also in GH3 all the characters had their outfits but now you may swap. Ever wanted to know what Axel Steel looked like in a mini skirt well now you can find out! Your guitar, thats another story. You will be able to tweak every bit of your axe. From your adjustment knobs to your pick guards. You will also be able to put and create images to put on your guitar to make it your very own. Yet th drums you cannot change as much but you can change the sixes and even create your own logo to go the front. They want people to be different when you online. So you will be able to tell who people are just by looking at their guitar. On the road to Stardom: You know how on the single-player you where given a setlist and ouy had to beat just about eveyone [depending on difficulty]. Well now say you dont want to play a song you dont have to. The on-screen menu will give you different gigs and different places. Showing the songs and you can go play two or three and just not play the rest. Also another great feature, say your on medium and your having trouble with a song. You dont want to start another career do you? Well now yo can just as easily change the difficulty and play that song on esay and go right back to medium. Also say you play a couple songs on the guitar and you get kind of tired of it. Now you can just change your insturment and play right from where you are with lets say the drums. They want player to have more freedom for what they want and not just have ONE path. They want players to there own personality and there own path with different songs on it. Take the Stage: They want all 4-players to have room on the screen you use so they have the drums, guitar and bass scrolling down the screen and the vocals scrolling across the top. Now the guitar has another feature called "Easy Rythum Guitar" where they will have a series of 'open' notes where they will be lines down the screen and you can strum regardless on what neck buttons are being pressed. The starpower activation has always been the tilt up, but what do we with the drum kit? Well they put in a feature so if your playing drums and you want to use star power you hit both the cymbols at the same time to activate it. Also like in a real band the drummer really doesnt get seen too much. So they have added a drum solo. At the end of the song all the lights will fade, The camera will focus on the drums and you will have an amazing drum solo! The Boss Battles? Are they leaving? No they arnt, but there have been complaints about them. So you will be sure to face the true rock legends in the game just a different way then last time. But there will still be the battle mode online because alot of people like it. A Cornucopia of Rock: The DLC will have a very bright future. They plan to have tons of downloadable songs for you. They plan to have more songs for the DLC then they can fit on a disc, there going balls-out. The company would not discuss any tracks to be added to the game but they gave a couple of bands we will be seeing on the game. Van Halen, The Eagles, Linkin Park and Sublime. Most of the tracks will be 80's, 90's and classic rock compared to the mostly metaly other Guitar Heros. Blazing a Trail: STUDIO MODE!! Another fantastic addition to the Guitar Hero Series. Now you will be able to literally create your own music. Instead of playing the setlists over and over again head to studio mode and get creating! You can create solos, how heavy the song is, your very own riffs, you name it! It is a remarkabley easy-to-use system. The only thing they really couldnt find a way around is the lyrics, so you cannot add those in during a creation because of people using other peoples lyrics. All the copyrighting and legal crap. Also you may upload your songs to a new thing called GH Tunes. So other people can rate, comment and download your music! [a GuitarHero Hub may be instore?, haha] but you will be able to add keyboards tones in for the melody track for most songs for lyrics. So yes now all you GH hackers wont have sit and upload those 1000's of tracks onto your disc when there is a GH tunes with people creating tunes. For this website you will start off uploading about 5 songs, then when you get signed you can upload maybe 10or15. Everyone will be waiting to see what people can come up with. Shooting for Immortality: After all the games these crazy developers have created they cant wait to see what happens with this one. They are going to try to make it the best-of-the-best for everyone and hopefully will shoot straight to the top. Well thats that. I CANNOT wait for this game to come out. There was no estimated release date yet so all of you Guitar Hero fans will have to sit impatiently and wait for the amazing game to be released. Have any thoughts, ideas comments. POST EM' HERE!
YES i am a GH fan right from the beginning. Also all these new things just make me want to buy it more. I wish they had a release date.
I'm sure there will be stiff competition between Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero 4. I think Rock Band 2 might be better though, because it already introduced things that Guitar Hero is just now starting to accomplish. We'll see in time.
Yes you are right about Rock Band already having some things Guitar Hero is just getting BUT i think Guitar Hero might wing because it has been out longer, more loyal customers. But your right we will only see in time.
If they were REALLY smart, they'd let you make your own charts and upload your own songs (without all the modding crap that takes 2 days and 100 bucks). I just bought gh3 friday, beat it on easy and medium, but now i have to use the orange one and i fail. can't get past Talk dirty to me. I even play real guitar and I suck at it. but normal is still really fun. this new stuff coming out looks like a blast though, not exactly on my wallet, but still should be enjoyable.
I to am a Loyal GH fan and I will be purchasing this one for sure it looks like great fun and I really can't wait to play it.
WOOT! I've ALWAYS loved GH and this one is gonna be DA BOMB! There better be some more RATM on this one...
seems well i really hope they choose some better songs for this 1 tho.. heavier = me buying, me buying = me playing, me playing something heavy...? you dont wanna know,, (me creaming my jeans maybe... ?
To all those 'Loyal GH fans' you do know that Harmonix the creators of both Guitar Hero 1 & 2, left to make Rock Band. But anyways, I have GH, GH2, GH3, GH 80s, Rock Band. I will be excited to get both games Rock band 2 and GH4. Also be on the lookout for a Guitar Hero site dealing with custom content, from yours truly.
So you will be making a site for GH4 custom content? awesome ill be sure to join. Also thanks for using my sig i made ghost :]
Im pissed. I cant believe there are going to straight up copy rockband... Harmonix is the best and the people who make the new GH's suck I dont like them at all. I loved 1 and 2 but 3 was really bad. Why are you guys excited for this? -Donuts
in my opinon rockband SUCKS. but you have a right to your own opinion. but Harmoniz ORIGINALLY helped make guitar hero. then went and made a crappyer game with was orginally a knockoff of guitarhero. so they cant recopy rockband?
rockband is way better than GH. anyways, i find it extremely annoying that they insist on making an entire new game and repeatedly forcing fans to spend another $100 + on new instruments, etc. they are basically just raping the wallets of all their fans and everyone just sucks it up like a delicious milkshake. mmm milkshake.. IMO, why dont they just work together to make one incredible super-game. pool their resources copyright-wise and license-wise to get a literal shitton of amazing songs. then, instead of releasing new games to rape the fan's wallets, release hordes and hordes of DLC, and different updates to the equipment instead. IE - new guitar with slide finger support, etc, **** like that. obviously that wont ever happen, but one can dream. also, in the past GH has kinda failed on providing constant new DLC. unless they can provide weekly new DLC like rock band does, i will consider it a fail...
your opinion of course. they did make gh but knockoff? seriously. gh series was more of a single player experience. harmonix wanted to bring your friends into the mix by adding the drums and vocals to the game so they did. gh and activision are trying to stay with the competition (rock band) so they are adding drums and vocals. though the new things they are adding may be nice, but their imitating rock band. nothing bad because i know they are trying to stay in the competition. IMO rock band is awesome
The only way I'd buy GH4 is if they actually included songs that people liked instead of ones that are challenging, because GH3 had like what, 8 songs I knew? And most of them were Tier 8 and Tier 1 & 2 which means they're not really all that fun to play.
It's also possible that just means that your taste in music is lame. Nitrous are you mocking me or did i really make you hot and sweaty??? lol