Zombie Invasion Joker10110 and Tung44 Supported Gametypes: Infection:Invaders Map Description Zombie Invasion is a map of team work and it is a good map if you have more than 10 (you can have more than that if your ballsy) and put the infection setting on 25% of people will be zombies. It is a team work map beacause if you do not help your team they will become infected and kill you there arebasic guns nothing real good the best 2 things are rocket lancher and a spartan laser.The zombies will respawn on the oppsite of the map than you all the people will be on the side with the guns and the zombies will respawn on the side with the fence boxs i have mergeed alot in this map omost everthing is merged and it is only my 4 time doing it beacause i never made maps before .And if you happend to see my map BOXED IN you can get out of all my maps but on this map there is no possible way you will be able to get out of this map.After 45 seconds into the game a mancannon will respawn on the back wall take it up through the teleporters and you will end up in a hall way keep going through it and you will end up in the last resort areas if you need it ,it has a turret in it and some guns not the best guns.The best gun is a shotgun. You will see all the stuff i talked about down below in the pictures i have posted.AND ALSO GIVE A GOOD THANKS TO TUNG44 HE HELP ME WITH THE MAP. Check out his maps. _________________________________________________ Tis is the map Zombie Invasion Other side of the map 1 zombie 3 humans= big trouble This is the teleporter which after 45 seconds into the game a mancannon will respawn under it so you can go through it. This is the teleporter you will end up going out of if you went through the other teleporter This is the last resort area if you have to get away. O MY GOD it's the shamrockers clan,ready for action. _________________________________________________ Thank you for looking at the map, i hope you like it and download it Download Zombie Invasion Download Invaders
Hi, I've been making some of my own maps and I'm trying to make a wall be geo merged into the ground. I can do it with boxes but not with walls. Can someone please tell me how? Thanks.
I think this map is far to simple. I think you need to add some cover for the zombies so they can move around to get to the humans.
Humans have BRs and turrets I think you need more cover because it looks like a spawn rape styled map right now.
from the pictures I think this map gives too many advantages to the humans but it still looks cool and fun to play on
I think with a map like this you would need stronger or faster zombies to balance it out for both sides.