My in progress map Pitfall title pending I only ever really forged in Halo 3, so it felt right that my first Halo Infinite forge should be a remake of Sandtrap. Been busy with work so it's still in progress, but she's nearly done.
What I’m currently working on. Elevator shaft, two sets of stairs, scaffolding jump ups. 4 playable floors including the roof
Next time you invest your time into doing a "theme pass" on a map, instead create an art prompt for the level designer to design around, and then "theme" the map that the designer DESIGNED for your art. These lame ass 90° maps that people are putting "aUrT" on are really cringe and waste of the communities talent. Be better. Demand better. DO better.
The blaze layout that you "themed" hurt my soul. It is painful for me to see talented visual artists waste there time themeing maps that have no consideration for the "theme/art" that is being applied to them. If a designer cares more about the game/sport aspect of Video-Game then the visuals of there map should reflect that and work towards that goal in it's entirety. I'm super confused by these maps that have these "theme" passes that don't support or maximize the maps video OR game potential..... Like it actually makes zero sense to me. What is the point of putting a random ass theme on a map that was designed for strictly gameplay considerations ? Especially when the theme pass doesn't do the gameplay any favors and the layout doesn't do the theme any favors. Just seems like a lose lose situation to me.
I actually really love the theme and narrative you give your maps. I don't think it really matters where you start the design process (gameplay, art, narrative) its the execution that counts.
Thing is… I don’t think either of us appreciate that level of world building, and quite honestly, I don’t think most people do. While I can respect the skills involved with it, I couldn’t care any less about where the workers punch their time cards or take their break in a multiplayer level. Hell, I don’t even care about that in single player levels the majority of the time. If this were a job and I was asked to do a level which called for functionality beyond gameplay goals and macro only theme, of course I’d make the effort to do it. I’d also get insight from someone with the same values and skills as you in that regard, to look over it and guide me to providing the best visual representation I could for that project’s needs and the artists desire. However, as you know, this is a casual hobby project that we like to do for fun and is for people that appreciate gameplay spaces that play well and look pretty. Doesn’t need to be anything more for us to be happy. In fact, I think that level world building would go against our goals, plus in many cases be out of scope with the limitations of forge. For this project, I was asked to provide a theme agnostic bridgework map that could support large trees and overgrowth. Then settled on forerunner only to do a last minute pivot toward industrial because that’s what Sik was feeling. Forerunner is already pretty ambiguous but it’s still nice that I didn’t spend ages on making this a believable function space in the world before having to pivot. There are strengths to flexibility and strengths to fine detail. We understand our goals and our audience. And we make the **** we want to make and mostly let each other do our thing because this is what we do to relax. I’m not sure what to tell you. Haha. Regardless, I’m looking forward to hearing about the crazy **** that you make with your interest in world-building. Love almost all the **** you put out and whether the details are important to me or not, I always enjoy hearing the stories of the space you’re building. Speaking of, you working on anything?
I've been working on a new iteration of my H5 map Throne of Blood. For some reason 'throne of blood' violates the terms of service so I'm calling this one Dethroned. I started this one 3 days before the 2v2 contest so I'm just working on art, focusing on learning how to use this Forge. I believe the most recent version is published, as always I'm open to any feedback. Very much a WIP at this point.