Dueltacular Forge Contest

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SIR IRON WOLF, Dec 1, 2022.

By SIR IRON WOLF on Dec 1, 2022 at 9:34 AM

    SIR IRON WOLF A Floating Lightbulb
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Welcome one and all to our first Halo Infinite forge contest, Dueltacular! This will be a 2v2 map contest with our biggest prize pool ever. You read that right, our biggest prize pool EVER, with it being $10,000.

    We are also partnering with our friends over at the HYE Energy Gaming Community to help judge this contest.

    Dueltacular is a 2v2, or doubles, map building contest. With the advancements of Halo Infinite Forge we wanted this first contest to really allow people to show off the potential of forge while also creating content that the community is craving. Below are the basics.

    • 2v2 Core Maps
    • Must be set up to play slayer. We will be using Ranked Slayer in the 343 modes browser with a 25 score limit.
    • Maps can only be made using Halo Infinite Forge
    • 1 map submission allowed
      • Once submitted you can’t submit another or make edits, as in order to make sure the contest can be completed in a timely manner we will start initial judging as maps get entered in.
    • The Map must be created no earlier than today, the start of the contest (12/1/2022).
      • If your map is created before the start of the contest then it will be disqualified. If you attempt to circumvent the creation date then this will also result in disqualification and a potential ban from future contests.
      • Clarification: You are allowed remakes if you want to work on an old design that you have not started in Halo Infinite yet. But if you have already started on a map in Halo Infinite before December 1st, 2022, then you cannot use that for this contest.

    You will have two months to create your best 2v2 Map. Make it play well and look good, with the power of Forge we are expecting to see some awesome looking creations.

    Start Date: December 1st, 2022

    End Date: January 31st, 2023 at 11:59 PST

    Judging Period: To be Determined and based upon the number of entries. Estimated a month and a half starting February 1st, 2023.

    These are the people that will be judging your maps, they come from a wide variety of backgrounds and specialties.


    I Crush All

    Guest Judge:

    HYE Energy

    While this is a 2v2 contest and gameplay is the primary factor that will be judged, we don’t want you to forget about aesthetics. With the power of forge in this latest iteration we are looking for maps that can check all the boxes without hindering gameplay.

    There is a lot of money (USD) up for grabs! In addition to the money, there may be prizes in the form of merch. Lucky for you the prize pool can only grow!

    Grand Prize:

    2nd Place:

    3rd Place:

    4-10th Place

    Community Vote


    Submissions will be open soon. There will be a location on our new site where you can submit your map. Or a submission thread will be made available. We will let you know when it is open and we will also provide more detailed submission guidelines.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure you follow the proper way to submit your map as well as the guidelines in the “What is it” section. Many times people with good maps unfortunately have to but cut because they missed some basic rules or guidelines. Especially with only allowing one entry, making sure you dot your i’s and cross your t’s will be very crucial.

    Question: What if I am co forging with multiple people, how will submissions work?
    Answer: You are allowed to co-forge, but you can only submit one map as the main author. You can be the secondary for any map but you can only submit one. Your co-forge buddy will have to submit the second map if you create a second map. Remember though, only the primary author will receive the money and it is up to them to split it up.

    We will be providing lobbies that you can partake in to get playtests and potential feedback on your map before you submit it. We recommend joining this lobby or getting a lobby started, we can help promote lobbies too. We will attempt to have feedback lobbies after the contest has concluded but this will be dependent on judge availability.

    #1 SIR IRON WOLF, Dec 1, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2023
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by SIR IRON WOLF, Dec 1, 2022.

    1. S0UL FLAME
      S0UL FLAME
      Alright. I'll give it a go.
    2. K a n t a l o p e
      K a n t a l o p e
      I wish that we had at least two map submissions per user. I feel like I can't experiment much. I like really weird maps, but y'all might be massive sweats, and those two don't mesh. Still excited to see people's maps as they release them!
      we limited it to one entry this time because we are expecting a lot of entries given the prizing amount. we went back and forth for a while but decided to be cautious.
      Hope lots of people submit. Excited to see the quality of maps designed for this contest.
    5. Preacher001
    6. Preacher001
      I won't be taking part but just to clarify for others, in the past I know FH has kind of put a lesser value on remakes of official Halo maps, will that still be the case here? Or maybe at the very least would you recommend against it?
    7. Arpod
      I will be entering! This sounds so fun! Btw, your prize money in the placements adds up to 10,500 not 10k. Not sure if that was intentional, or a typo, or arpod just simply can't add. But just wanted to make sure that was accurate. K bye.
    8. Dorque_Fu
      Asked a similar question on Twitter, but Are there any rules around using prefab pieces from other forgers? Specifically Trees for beauty work, but figured I'd ask for clarification before starting.
    9. ODS_Spellbook
      Damn, I wish I could make this one but I'll def jump into the next one! I can't wait to see what people create!
    10. Minister Muffin
      Minister Muffin
      Really excited to see the entries for the contest, 2’s in this game is so sweaty and in my opinion a bit underappreciated at the moment.

      I don’t think I agree with the December 1st start rule to be honest. It’s good to prevent others who had early access to forge from getting a head start, but I think a few of us were already playing with layouts with no plans to enter into a contest before this was announced. It feels a bit punishing to the few of us who wanted to start with 2’s maps off the start as opposed to the rest of the community who started with 4’s or BTB.

      Edit: What I mean is because we’ve already started tinkering with our ideas, we essentially can’t use them. Just seems like we have to downgrade to a secondhand idea to qualify.
      Last edited: Dec 1, 2022
      CANADIAN ECHO and a Chunk like this.
    11. SaltyKoala
      Two months is not nearly long enough for a Halo Infinite contest with a 10k prize pool. The new forge is more complex and has a significantly higher budget along with new features such as scaling that really increase the amount of time it takes to create maps. If you want quality maps, you need to give contestants at least 4 months if not 6 months to concept and design maps. Inevitably some individuals may not even hear about this contest for a week or two which gives them even less time. Considering many people work 5 days a week, those individuals will only have 16-20 days to concept design build and test there maps?
    12. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      That is one heck of a prize pool! I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone does for this.
      Salty nails my personal challenge with getting something decent completed in 2 months, only getting a few hours per week at most to load up forge. But I'll give it a go nonetheless!

      I plan on forging solo, but for clarity's sake I'm curious about how co-forges will be handled. I assume that if you're a co-forger on 1 map that will count as your submission?
      Everything is fair game but original concepts historically does better. If you remake a really popular 2v2 map, then I would recommend doing very well on the visuals. Basically, if you make a remake then make sure to go the extra mile to make it something new.
      It appears that way, well looks like its 10.5K prize pool unless we decide to change it. If it changes then 6-10th may be dropped to $100.
      That starts getting into a gray area as you are then using other people work with stuff possibly created before the contest so I would avoid it if possible. However, you can use prefabs for gameplay setup like camera rigs or spawning.
      This being our first contest of infinite it is essentially our trial run. The 10K prize pool is to help draw people in and War really wanted it to be something special. If two months is a short time then we will evaluate for the next contest, but our contest have always been around two months to build. There is also other factors at play.

      For Co-forging I updated the main post but basically you can be the second on any map but you can only submit one. If you and a buddy create two maps then each of you have to submit, one person can't submit both.
    14. dood future
      dood future
      This is a really awesome opportunity for everyone in the community.
    15. Stubblytuna6588
      Oh boy fierce competition I’m seeing here. All the same good luck everyone and may the odds be forever in your favour
    16. Xandrith
      Okay, I'm in

      Good luck my friends
    17. SaltyKoala
      "Clarification: You are allowed remakes if you want to work on an old design that you have not started in Halo Infinite yet. But if you have already started on a map in Halo Infinite before December 1st, 2022, then you cannot use that for this contest."

      This rule also makes zero sense. If the goal of the contest is to come up with the best the community has to offer, why would you arbitrarily punish an individual that may have begun art dabbling or design dabbling on a layout in the first 3 weeks of infinite forge releases? At the very least make the creation date no earlier then Nov 8th.

      Just a reminder, a ton of people had special invites to the insider build and or had the leaked version of forge and have had the opportunity to use infinite forge for much longer then anyone else . So if the contest is not going to be longer then you should definitely allow maps that were begun no earlier then NOV 8th.

      Some of the decisions being made arent of sound judgement, and yet the community is supposed to trust y'all to judge there hard work?

      The first red flag was the contest STARTING on the announcement date.... Like are y'all familiar with how announcement procedures for contests typically work?

      You have to give information time to travel so it can reach a wider audience. How crappy does it feel to find out about a contest your excited to participate in only to realize you found out two to three weeks in and there is only a little over a month to participate?
      Last edited: Dec 2, 2022
    18. unremarkable
      Not exactly contest related, but since this is the most active post here atm, I thought it would be a good place to ask:

      Is there a more active Discord that the OG Forgers here are using? The official FH one is kinda dead atm to be honest, and I would love to be able to chat and playtest with the folks around here who are into making more serious and competitive style maps.
      a Chunk likes this.

      I'm doing other projects for the contest, but Minister Muffin and Myself had started a 2v2 the day forge came out and is from my experience one of two 2v2 maps I've seen. Of course I'm bias so I would like this rule changed to include maps from the launch of forge. The rule seems to only punish a few instead of making equal starts for the contest.

      The rule also sounds like it was suppose to nerf those who had early access to forge. To prevent them from having an unfair advantage. But none of them had made a 2v2 in the months of early access they had.

      The real issue being created here is that the ones who had early access have learned how to art their maps and are more familiar with the tools. Having a short contest time only makes this even more unfair since people have to both design a map and learn the tools in an insanely short time.

      The end date is more likely for a matchmaking push so I understand that it can't change.. But the feedback being given is honest and true and it would be a mistake to ignore for future contests.

      Giving transparency here would make the situation less frustrating.
      SaltyKoala likes this.

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