Just wondering do you guys take maps using switches seriously. and would you play competitivly on them?
If the switches are able to be used competitively, I would play the map, assuming I liked the other features too. There is no reason switches can't be competitive, just look at the gate of Last Resort/Zanzibar. That is a switch too.
killer, you are a member of artificers, as well am I I definetly love to play on switch maps, ex: deterioration The switches that have been "discovered" by us artificers, I think can be used to make great maps but the problem comes in where the switch is a one time use switch, or if the switch takes up too much room/budget I am currently making a map that includes a switch that I think will be effective and füñ to play with. Us artificers need to start representin and making switch maps
yeah i think maps need more switches too. if you need anyone to test your map send me a msg or a friends request