[XL] Hype v7 Hype (2-8 players - MLG variants) XL Hype v7 [Link updated 10/10/08] Hype v7 [Link updated 10/10/08] Description New Changes for v7: [10/10/08] Replaced base indicators. [Team version only] Added more cover to the sides of "A" tower. Lowered single walls at front of bases a fraction to stop them sticking out a bit above the bridges. Removed BR from 3rd tier of base. Changed a bunch of other trivial things (outside wall etc.) to allow budget/resources for above changes. Previous Changes for v6: [9/25/08] Run-throughs bottom mid blocked off. More cover added to B side of bases. Corner walls on bases raised as-per players' request. [FFA version only] Triangle jump-ups on A tower changed from walls to window panels. Window panel ledge top B removed. Base indicators removed to allow budget for above changes. Spawns adjusted. Weapons [Weapon settings are the same as used on MLG v5 maps] 4x Battle Rifle (10 sec respawn / 2 spare clips) 2x Carbine (30 sec respawn / 2 spare clips) 1x Mauler (120 sec respawn / 1 spare clip) 6x Plasma Grenade (30 sec respawn) 2x Frag Grenade (30 sec respawn) Gametypes The map is set up for all gametypes. I obviously focused more on possible MLG gametypes i.e. Slayer, KotH and CTF, but it should be good for everything else as well. There has especially been a lot of care put into the objective placement for CTF and KotH. Thanks to ash55, you will no longer have to trip over the Flag Spawns because they are beneath the ground (or bridge…but you can’t pick the flag up from underneath so don’t even try it mister!) In KotH, the hills are set up the same as MLG does it. i.e. it follows a sequence like this: Middle Hill – B Side Hill – Middle Hill – A Side Hill – Middle Hill – B Side Hill – Middle Hill – A Side Hill. New Screenshots [Updated 10/10/08]: [Base corner walls are much lower in the Team version than they are in the FFA version] Team version:
This map looks very good. I'm not much of a MLG player tho, but I do love Inertia. looks like another great and simple build.
This was really fun to play two flag on even though we lost and you seamlessly wrecked our entire team singlehandedly. The geo-merging is very smooth and so is all the interlocking. The Bases and Towers look very clean and all of the map is used. I think that this would be a very nice addition to the MLG Playlist. My only concern is too much cover. While I love the multitier system some aspects seem to provide players with easy escape routes. But I still love it nontheless.
i was never a huge fan of mlg, but this could be a nice addition to the playlists, nice job ill check it out
This is really cool. I don't see why they don't have FFA on the hardcore playlist, this would be a really good map for it. I will have a lot of fun on this map for sure.
very nice map. looks great for MLG i like the detail that it looks sort of like onsluaght with top "A" and top "B" great!!!!!
This looks crazy to play on. Awesome interlocking! I seriously recommend you show this to the people over at MLG. You never know..
Everything is very neat and well interlocked but nothing yells "download me" I suggest adding more cover and some asthetics like active camos in the blue base walls to mark blue base.also some pillars could be made for extra cover and they look nice.
This map looks like you really spent some time on it, ill download and tell you what i think, i think that this could really be good. : )
Any major differences between the previously posted version at MLG and this one besides the spawns? I really liked what I saw, and the gameplay was a lot of fun. Right towards the end I was getting a feel for the map and it's little tricks, so I'll be looking forward to playing on the updated version. I loved Inertia and am still disappointed that MLG didn't bring it into rotation. You guys really put out some nice stuff.
I was tempted to do a lot of stuff like that but at the end of the day, i built it for highly competitive play and i didn't think that those sorts of things were necessary. Often aesthetics objects just get in the way and increase the random factor e.g. grenade bounces. Not only that, but i forgot to mention in the first post that the map is not budget glitched. Since i built it for XL/MLG, the map needed to be playable in splitscreen and budget glitches make the framerate drop dramatically in splitscreen. I simply wouldn't have enough money to make these extra aesthetic touches. Mainly spawns. Respawn points have been moved/deleted/added. respawn areas have been adjusted. Plasma grenades have been moved around and a couple more BRs have been added. There have also been some minor tweaks to make a couple of parts smoother. I'm thinking about changing the cover at the top of B tower a little but it depends on the feedback i get on it. If the map gets picked up by XL (which it looks like it will atm) then there may be some more significant changes. Otherwise, i like it as it is. Thanks to everyone else for the comments!