So earlier today, I was waiting for my friends to get on, and decided to try the new Head to Head duel. First game- Crazy King on Blackout, the guy quit out, so I won, ahh, free EXP... Anyways, I played another match, and It came to be Brs on Snowbound. Guy was pretty decent, about same level of skill, then we both had 14, and we came up and both died at the same time, thanks to bungies new system, but he won! No Tie So I looked at the post-game stats, and EVERYTHING was the same; # of headshots, K/d spread, ect... Then I looked at tools of destruction- both Brs, but he had 10 kills with a br, and I had 9 Just wondering if anybody knew if when it comes to a tie, it is judged on stupid stuff like that... =/
Sorry do you live in too much poverty that you cant afford 10 euro for a DL?Oh wait you spent 300 euro on a console and 60-70 on halo 3. Inputting information... Conclussion=your just cheap and want to complain. Will post again once ive actually played 1v1(exams atm gulp)
Give him a break Supa. But you do make a point... Jado, it's not that expensive.... On topic ~ Sucks.... That's kinda funny though how you were tied and the ast battle decided it all. LolZord
I posted this somewhere else, but I might as well do the same here... 1 vs. 1 sucks for the following reasons: 1. waypoint system, absolutely terrible, it's as if bungie wanted every other game to be a tie, what they should do is give both players limited radar but with the leader having a smaller range than the player behind. 2. maps, I haven't seen any customized foundry maps or anything, "let's take default guardian and add a bunch more fusion coils so that it's easier to get randomly blown up", that's fun... 3. weapons, 4 rockets in a 1 vs. 1, what the hell is that? Why not just hand the guy three free points for picking them up and forget about shooting altogether. 4. scoring, games should be to 10, after that it gets a bit tedious, especially if the game isn't that close. 5. matchups, you'd think with there only being 1 player to find that bungie could match you up with someone of your highest skill, but I manage to get 3 generals in 4 games when I'm a lvl 45 brigadier. You can tell me that I should be beating the generals all you want, but getting my ass handed to me against someone with 3000 exp just isn't enjoyable (especially with all the other issues). I was really looking forward to this, and to be so disappointed after 3 games. I'm sure bungie will have a bunch of disgruntled gamers to please with the next update.
haha that sucks, I actually lost the one and only game I played because I killing spreed off the guy for the first five kills then bungie took the targeting system from me so the guy could just stalk me as an invisible. He came back then when it was 14-14 he blew me up with a fusion coil, post-game involved a LOT of trash talk from someone who hadn't and probably never will have sex with anything or anyone except his hand. I told him that, he said I sucked #failbungie.
Ugh just played in and by jesus,its all about who gets the powers...they just put too many on the map. Guardianb has what in this? A sniper Two maulers power coils everywhere shotgun sword brs and carbines ( ) Other stuff i didnt see becuase i wasnt running around much. The rockets on construct are just daft,they repsawn so fast this guy managed to get around nine kills in total with them,i didnt find out where they spawned till halfway into the game.(keeping in mind he only beat me by two because of th timer,aside from whoring he sucked. But my guardian and blackout maps where ridiculously one side, I like default blackout it doesnt over do anything so it was ME beating the guy,not my guns. Guardian i just felt bad for the guy. I spawned next to the sniper,waited the charged me with the sword and i got him,picked up the sword and la dee da i have two powers.he comes with a shotty, i sidestep him and sword him,pick up the shotty.He comes with a mauler,i use a frag and beat him in the clash.I snipe him multiple times but it was all because of how the first kill went! Admitedly he did kill me once and failed to capitalize on it because i got in fast with a frag br but still i beat him 15-1,which is ridiculous no matter who your playing. The sniper needs to be somewhere you wont spawn beside it becuase when youv only one guy to worry about its way to easy to pick him off form a distance. Overall in all the dual maps i find their are way too many power weapons for 1v1, maybe 3 total,with only one clip of rockets and two clips for the sniper(i think theirs three in the current,ie enough to get most of your winning kils if your smart). Because realistically,,1v1 is meant to be competitive the generic maps would have been better than the "duel" orientated ones
I think they should take out all the power weapons in general. Once somebody grabs a shotgun and a sniper weapon, the other player is relatively screwed. So they need to remove all the sniper weapons and shotguns and swords. Hell any weapon that could kill in one or two hits.
NO they need the variation,i dont want another MLG playlist thank you.But they just need less,why have more powers than is physicaly possible to pick up?
What the ****? You realise you contradicted yourself right? I bought a console worth $650 at the time and all these games, but I don't want to spend $30 on maps? Yeah, its because I HAVE THEM glitched on my memory, it's just a pain in the ass to get them to work everytime on my main account. Also, the last map pack was worth ****, didn't expect much of this one, where bungie was lazy and copied previous maps.
okay,I went over the top but im sick of the people who complain about map packs not being free. Also how the heck did i contradict myself? I said you cant(as in hypothetically you dont have 10$) spend 10$ on a map pack when youv spent 650$ in a console.Therefore by saying your cheap i was pointing out you WONT not that you cant, And im sorry if im not bursting with respect for someone who i saw as complaining about not having something but not getting it when theres nothing stopping them.Theres no contradiction there. And with that last post i fail to see your point. You didnt like it becuase its DLC req...but you have the what do you want?Just complaining for the sake of it?If its such a pain,buy em its hardly going to break your bank account is it? The newer playlists are DLC req because otherwise the new maps wouldnt get played and people who actually PAYED for them would have been cheated. Incidently this map pack was awesome,remakes or not.If you dont like them fine but your missing out.
I dont like Head to Head. Duel is a minigame not a serious gametype. Having the waypoint completely eliminates strategy. I hate the maps. 1v1 shouldnt be done on the full maps. It should be done on small forged maps(like the ones from here). In 1v1, there should be no sword, shotgun or hammer, it ruins it. I played a game on the pit, the guy was first to the rocket and he won. But on my last 4 lives I spawned within radar range and he had the sniper and rocket, so I was ****ed. If they were on small, well constructed foundry maps it would be so much better.
MAPS I BELIEVE WOULD BE GOOD FOR 1V1. Guardian(a proper non explosive stupid one) Blackout(i throoughly enjoyed it even on default) Slanted Reactor Core Bottleneck Spire Aqueduct Sewers H3 foundation(with some tweaks for less weapons) Assorted other foundry maps
Your preferance i suppose,but theres just so much more interesting jumps and out maneuvering that cna be done on blackout.
The only problem is that my Halo 3 disc is ****ed. It doesnt allow me to play certain levels of campaign and Guardian, its a real pain in the ass.
Dunno how it is down under but certain shops over here can fix scratched disc for the equivalent of a fiver.Dont suppose GAME is international?Im sure somewhere over there does it.