Damnit, Chron! I’m going to try to be respectful, no matter what it is. So, the point isn’t to ruffle feathers, it’s to be as constructive as possible. @purely fat what map is that?
Yeah I guess what I would say next is that pros don't really know what they want lol Just look at box, he made one kind of map and was a sweat, but now look at what he's making. All we have to do is give people the chance to taste something better, and I think usually they see the potential level design really has. It doesn't need to be just an octagon for pros and tower of power for casuals. There's a better way for both
Pay your tolls everyone lol. I think pros are scared to change their diet because they are at 6% body fat and clearly what they are doing works, but once they see the light that other foods will make you even more lean they will ASCEND GODHOUD Not that I was pro but I know the narrow mindset when I was at peak crow capacity because I hated all Purely’s maps in h2a LUL. I know the narrow mindset when I see it huhmmmmmmmm* @HeX Reapers In before my maps are ****
So how do your design a map to counter this type of gameplay? https://twitter.com/RealLifeSpartan/status/1221462247467298816?s=20
Don't make an elevated and well protected position that's surrounded by relatively unprotected open space. Could be easily resolved by making safer ways to approach that area, or by removing some of the cover (railings/trims) in the area itself so that it's more exposed. Ultimately though, our goal as designers shouldn't ever be to 'counter' gameplay styles. In other words, we shouldn't be building something and then thinking of how to counter a type of gameplay on it that we don't want. It's a very reactive approach to design. Our approach should be proactive, thinking about which type/s of gameplay we want to promote, and then designing spaces, weapon sets/placements, and unique gameplay mechanics accordingly from the beginning.
@S0UL FLAME The sentinel tunnel isn't inconsistent, you always have to jump. That's on purpose so that players can jump into the tunnel without always taking it
Did anyone here ever play my Revenant Rampage Gametype for Halo Reach. I may be biased but I always felt it was one of the most entertaining race gametypes in Reach. I only ever made the initial Revenant Rampage Arena map and and I was really hoping someone else with better skills would try making a map for it. You could set the time limit and points and race the clock in single player as a time killer, otherwise it's best played 3-5 players. I was just curious if anyone had any other non biased opinions on it. https://www.forgehub.com/maps/rr-revenant-rampage-arena.864/