@OKzombieCupcake I love me some joke-based storytelling - are you talking something along the lines of Curb or Seinfeld? How would you integrate this in a level design situation?
Wow just had a bad game lobby today. Don't you hate it when you get a team full of people that kill your own team mates at spawn, destroy all the vehicles and just lets the other team capture the flag???? These where grown people in the lobby, I can expect that from kids, but adults?
I can't begin to tell you how frustrating it is to have players destroy your chances of winning - last time I played in the 2v2 playlist, my teammate began killing me as soon as we fell behind by one kill - and we were already 2/3 of the way through the match! What a dummy!
Ok, so I'm not sure where you're getting you're information from but there are a lot of questionable things being said in this sentence. Can anyone point out where Cupcake might have gone astray?
Man, so much hate is contained in this one comment – how dare you give a new member a hard time on their first few posts?? What are you, some kind of bully?
***** please, you know full well how hard I am. PS. If you were paying attention you'd know who was really getting on.
I will be hosting this Friday, a few YouTube streamers already contacted me and they asked if I could host this Friday. If you guys are up for it, message me or just look for the post.
I'm just staying for the inevitable salt which will flow down the eternal rivers of tears and flood the dry banks of Forgehub contests.
Doing this again tonight, if you wanna join up, you probably know how to find me. for others, my gamertag is same as my username, so HMU if you want to play. https://twitter.com/ETerrestr1al/status/1186741707779510272?s=20
Under the night sky of Tidal go into free cam mode and zoom in on the windshield of a high metallic car!