New Type of Map Design: Honeycomb

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nemihara, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Something I thought up while I was bored to death in my Health class. It's kind of like how Conquest maps are designed: they take a specific way to play, and design the map around it. I've always had a penchant for Conquest maps. It's mostly due to the tactics of playing, plus the advantage to not have to download a separate gametype for each map.

    In Conquest's case, it's a push forward and back to gain territory. In my design, it's a little different. Instead of having to push against a steady force, there are ways to go around it, as well as allowing more tactical control of a specific section of the map.

    The basic premise of the map is that it is separated into cells, each connected to 3+ other cells. Controlling a cell has a profound effect on the surrounding cells, due to the ability to alter how travel throughout the map is done. Tactically, a team should try to control as many cells as possible. Each cell can be assaulted in 3+ different ways, however.

    It would be very stupid and bad to place all your team members to guard a single room, however, since there would be multiple other paths to bypass that cell. In an example, a team might try to camp a cell a few blocks away from their base. However, the opposing team will simply circumvent their super-defense in that one node by simply taking a different cell route.

    In that sense, a team should try to balance their placement of players evenly and accurately, taking into account the distance between cells, the different routes that could be taken to avoid a specific cell, and the power (weapons-wise) that each player has.

    Ideally, each team would want to set up 'nodes' to choke down the amount of travel that could be taken through the map. In a super-defense situation, of course.

    There would be a problem with camping the base room, where objective items might be located. The simplest design for that that I could think of was putting more routes than the amount of players on each team. Therefore, it would be easy to draw attention from one side of the base with a small weak force, only to have the larger part of the team go in and take the objective/attack the campers from behind.

    The name 'Honeycomb' arises from the way a honeycomb is designed.
    As you can see, each hexagonal cell perfectly tessellates with the adjacent cells. Obviously, their are better examples of tessellating designs, but this was the first thing that came into my mind. Just by looking at that image, I imagined how it would be possible for open walls between some segments, and travel through the entire honeycomb by several routes, indirect and direct. A team might take control of a few clusters here and there, but there would be a weak spot in the defense somewhere, where the attackers would penetrate.

    Thoughts and suggestions? Anyone wanna take up this task?
    Penguinish likes this.
  2. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I've thought about doing something like this, though, with the objects bestowed upon you in forge, i don't think it's possible...(someone pl0x prove me wrong, i would like to see this map)
  3. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    I will help you, but I would only be able to help you tomorrow because I am leaving on Thursday (see my Sig), but the amount I will help you will be very profound because I am good at problem solving and envisioning maps before they are even started, I can even try to draw it for you if you wanted...
  4. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    Thats actually a really nice Idea. But as Tex said, I'm not entirely sure about it's creation. Maybe in Foundry, and that's only a maybe, would this be possible. And then the area would be relatively small due to Foundry's suckage :)eek: I said suckage).

    But if it could be done, I'd definitely like to see it. Hell, maybe I'll give it a shot myself after I'm done with my current forging project.
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Actually, I was just wondering on how there would be good ways to implement this. I agree that these types of maps would be relatively small.

    What I was more focused on would be the creation of a bunch of maps that encompassed this general design, like how Conquest maps are currently. I am making one myself, but as I'm a mediocore-good Forger, I'm just working on 2x2 block squares as a quick design to see if I have enough room.
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    it doesnt neccisarily have to be small, and i love this idea. how about 8 honeycombs with passageways between them. There are 9 territories, one in each comb and one in the middle. there is a walkway all the way around the map. All combs are also connected by a vent or tunnel system.
  7. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    I think that there should be 9 territories, and nine honeycombs. It would be 1 main one in the middle that would be the strongest one to have, and 6 all around it, and then 1 on the top and bottom for each team. It would be strategic to capture the ones around the middle one, and then the final one in the middle, or something like that. It's a very interesting idea
  8. K1llersnipe

    K1llersnipe Ancient
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    This is a pretty cool idea if you could get it together. i was thinking what if you made it vertical too if you had like 5 on the bottem and 4 on the top.
  9. Travis The Hutt

    Travis The Hutt Ancient
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    You never cease to amaze me with your forgeing ideas. I think that you idea is very very well thought out and I also enjoy Conquest type maps and I think your idea would work perfectly. But there is a promblem of how many walls you can have in a map, Foundry I am guessing, so it may not work.

    I will say that if you made a map like this it would be my favorite.
  10. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    There are plenty of walls, for the inside that is, you have to make it surrounded by double boxes though
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Correct me if I'm wrong. There are 16 walls, 16 double walls, 16 fence walls, 24 double boxes, 8 double open boxes, 16 single boxes, 8 single open boxes, and 8 wall corners.

    I'm just working with a quadrilateral version of this idea so the rooms are big enough, but I can definitely see a feasibly working multi-walled map. Leave a few sides open, and you'd get a path.
  12. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    when i made the well (honey comb shape), i used 6 walls. can probably be done with a fewer amount though.
  13. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    I may be wrong here, but I'm fairly sure you can only have 8 territories active in a game at once. Also, as it is (hopefully) likely to be less restricted in comparison to Conquest maps, it could be used for other gametypes too maybe? Seems like CTF would be fantastic in a map like this.

    The biggest challenge in making maps for this seems like it would be original ideas for each of the maps. Surely there is only so far you can go in making maps based so squarely on one idea?
  14. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Sounds like a good idea but tricky to pull off. It is possible but seems like you would really need patience. I wish you good luck.
  15. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    ya, i actually tried to post about that before the server went to grid server or w.e...but then when i clicked post it said server down...sadface

    anyways, what i was trying to say was basically, you could use the 16 walls, 16 double walls (on their side, to go with the similiar sizes), 16 fence walls to construct your comb, then, you would have PLENTY of items to construct a roof, and even have some would have about 9 or so combs, (i actually had the numbers down, but then, like i said server shutdown, so i'm not going to do all that math again, rofl)

    I would really like to see this map, so pl0x construct, and if you do, good luck, and happy forging!
  16. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Cool idea, i would love to see someone try and make that.

    It would be difficult to make accessable areas and still keep that honeycomb feel,

    I can see scenery bieng an issue here.
  17. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    I'm currently trying it :p
  18. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    i think u should try it and sho every1!
  19. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Well, I've figured out how to make a perfect hexagon in Foundry.

    I realized that a teleporter node is evenly split into three. So basically, I used that and an open double box in conjunction to form a mold of sorts. I'll upload a picture later.
  20. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    later? nao pl0x

    n when you say you're going to post a picture, you mean of the perfect hexagons and the mold right?

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