Community Favorites: September 2019

Discussion in 'Features' started by Connie, Sep 28, 2019.

By Connie on Sep 28, 2019 at 2:11 PM
  1. Connie

    Connie Catgirls Don't Cry
    Senior Member

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    Welcome back to another series of ForgeHub's Community Favorite Maps! We gathered all of your nominations from last month and put the top ten up for a vote. I'm your usual suspect ConnieCat and I'm inviting YOU, yes, YOU, to join me on this voyage through uncharted seas. Is that thunder I hear; or was that simply the collective groan of the entire community? Let's jump right in!

    Here are the nominations and winners for September!

    Circle DR.jpg Deck.jpg definitely not moon.jpg Habar.jpg Zise's Respite.jpg Paradigm.jpg Space Invader Solo.jpg Suppression.jpg Vital Signs.jpg x-hellvalley.jpg


    From the legendary team that brought you July's community favorite, Pac-Man Retro comes another exciting mini game in their arcade cabinet series. Shaudy430, hamish-k, b0b is here, and Ineedmorebleach continue to impress us with their ingenuity and dedication to their signature brand of mini game. For those who aren't familiar with this mode, you can check out a sweet gameplay video here to explore the pixelated wonders of our past. Just think, Space Invaders really was the start of the alien blasting sci-fi genre of gaming that Halo now dominates. Really makes ya think.


    Suppression does exactly what it sets out to do; create a fun 4v4 map in the style of Halo 2's preeminent 'Lockout'. Everywhere we look it seems there's always somebody singing Lockout's praises and it's not hard to see why. The ol' faithful Bridge + Tower combo is in full force here in ARPOD's original layout. While impossible to miss the clear inspiration, Suppression shines in its own clever way. Sporting a timeless jungle temple ambience, Suppression is absolutely worth checking out and hopping into on your game night.


    It's been too long since Grifball was at the forefront of our minds, and what better way to bring it back into the spotlight than with this gorgeous creation by PUNISHER2510? Forever the king of open-ended aesthetics, Grifball's simple gameplay and time-honored layout provide an easy flat surface for the most creative minds to play with. Basing the map's aesthetic on a specific piece of concept art listed in the map description, PUNISHER made good use of the limited budget in bringing this space to life. Using lighting trickery to turn the snowy plants pink has been a long-time favorite technique of mine; and that is only one of the remarkably innovative uses of pieces on Zise's Respite. Grab some hammers, some friends, and give this court a try. Just in time for Energy Sword Sunday.

    We can't wait to see what other maps the community makes. Tune in next time as we'll be sharing some of the best maps made each month!

    Sincerely, The Femme-Fatale of ForgeHub;
    Community Coordinator
    #1 Connie, Sep 28, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2019
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Discussion in 'Features' started by Connie, Sep 28, 2019.

    1. Arpod
      Yay second place! So glad you guys liked my map. It was a fun build. And congrats to all the other nominees also. Some really awesome maps this month. Good to see people still forging in halo 5.
    2. Saggynipz
      What happened to the rest of the maps.. good maps getting overshadowed by doo doo maps.. I feel like a lot of the good maps got overshadowed did I say overshadowed. Lol also u took way to long to post this BTW. Not trying to be to rude but I'm being rude ahah did I say I'm being rude aahah. Just my to thoughts congrats to everyone though as each forger is at a different level
    3. SgtSlaphead
      Who are you?
      Connie, PUNISHER2510 and b0b is here like this.
    4. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Go easy on him/her slap. Saggy nipz can’t be easy to live with. Have some compassion for the pain and suffering that must come along with that.
      Did I say Saggy nipz ahah
    5. Saggynipz
      I am just a wondering critique who gets critical when dropping criticism through the shadowy curtain of critics.. my name is alpha bravo tinggi tango
    6. Saggynipz
      I love u to chunky
      a Chunk likes this.
    7. b0b is here
      b0b is here
      Yay! another piece of candy. Yall gettin me fat over here. b0b is here
      ExTerrestr1al, Connie and a Chunk like this.

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