Five weekends, five cities, inconceivable amounts of Mtn Dew, and one very green super-soldier. Halo: Outpost Discovery brought a new leveled sense of community across North America this past month. If you were unable to attend, you missed out on incredible cosplay, breathtaking attractions, star-studded panels and events, and some very soggy convention center nachos. If you weren't fortunate enough to be at one of these events, don't sweat it! ForgeHub has got you covered when it comes to our involvement in this stepping stone of Halo's rich history.
The most unique aspect of Halo: Outpost Discovery is that the fans paved the way. Countless events were headed by community groups such as the crafty spartans of various Cosplay groups, Dust Storm's long-running Podtacular podcast, and of course, ForgeHub. Featured below, we have 4 full-length videos of our community panels so effervescently titled; Forging Worlds. These panels could not have been achieved without the tireless efforts of our panelists, which goes quintupled for Dust Storm from Podtacular. Dust Storm attended over 20 panels during the 5 weekend trips, only 25% of those being our own hour-long discussions. For that, we can't thank him enough.
*It's also worth mentioning that Orlando FL's panel was unable to be recorded, but featured a cast of Forge Labs, Nitro, Ducain23, Yeti For Hire, Darth Quackers and you guessed it, Dust Storm.
Philadelphia PA
I Crush All, Foge, The 0micron, Dust Storm
Chicago IL
Brusky, Ja5on 0, D4rkDeath, TimeDipper, Dust Storm
Houston TX
Ducain23, Sir Iron Wolf, Max Extra, Kantalope, Darth Quackers, Dust Storm
Anaheim CA
CommanderColson, Squally DaBeanz, icyhotspartin, The Darkk Skull,
xConnieCat (me!), Dust Storm
& featuring special guest;
Michael Schorr, Forge Lead for Halo Infinite!
(certified Forge Lord)
Let's be honest, this is what you came here for. It's what I'm most excited to write about and reveal to the masses for the first time! The following paragraph will detail a conversation between Anaheim Forging Worlds panelists and 343's Michael Schorr, Forge Lead for Halo Infinite. As I wasn't able to secure our conversation in the fashion of an interview, you'll have to make-do with what we've got! And what we got is some small confirmed details about Halo Infinites Forge mode! Let's jump right in.
(Anaheim Panelists)
(Houston Panelists)
*disclaimer: all information here is posted with consent from 343 Industries and approved for reveal. It is not a leak.
After our panel in Anaheim, we were fortunate enough to speak (and hang out in a Hilton bar) with Halo Infinite Forge Lead Michael Schorr. In our time together, it was apparent that Michael is a wonderfully pleasant man who understands the wants and needs of our level-building community. He has confirmed that he's read "probably every single" Forge Wish-List, including the one ForgeHub compiled a few months ago. Some words and phrases were thrown around, such as terrain editor, liquid volumes, higher budget cap but none of these features were confirmed or denied in our conversation. Our illustrious Forge Lord was unable to dodge a hungry audience forever, and he did reveal one very important addition to Halo Infinite's Forge!
Undo/Redo buttons are coming to Forge!
Cue the fanfare! Heavily-requested Undo and Redo functionality is confirmed by 343 Industries! The ability to easily undo or redo your mistakes has been absent from every iteration of Forge since Halo 3 in 2007 and finally after 13 long years, it'll be included in Halo Infinite's forge mode. Undo/Redo's inclusion aligns with Michael's comments about upping Forge's capabilities to be more on-par with professional level-building software. The design of Halo Infinite's Forge seems to emphasize that Forge's accessibility shouldn't hinder its capability. With this small reveal and tongue-in-cheek hint towards the next iteration of the level-editing mode, the community now has a better idea about where 343's priorities lie with Forge. Needless to say, we were all very reassured to learn Forge is getting the attention it deserves.
Halo: Outpost Discovery was an event unlike any other. Catering to such a specific audience created an atmosphere in which everyone was alike in their interests. To the fans it was a labor of love. To the developers it was wonderful motivation. To Fox News it was "the world's largest traveling laser tag game". With all the events closed for this year, we bid Halo: Outpost Discovery adieu and cross our fingers at the opportunity to attend again next time.
With Lots of Love,
ForgeHub Community Coordinator
Outpost Discovery Round-Up + Halo Infinite Forge First Details! (EXCLUSIVE)
Discussion in 'Features' started by Connie, Sep 11, 2019.
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Discussion in 'Features' started by Connie, Sep 11, 2019.
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