Don't waste your time, it's straight up fermented sugar or cheap cheap grains with a low amount of hops. It also turns you into a scummy person and the hangover is A +
I’m super excited about the 2v2 contest, everyone seems to be making stuff and I wanna play every map.
You asking about the MCC update for the older games? The date for those files to be available in MCC isn’t set yet, and I expect it’s at least a few months off.
That’s when they planned to pull files FROM the original games. They will be transferred over TO MCC and available at a later date, which hasn’t been announced yet. Like I said in my last post, I anticipate that will not happen for several months at the earliest.
I believe that the deadline was 10am. If I remember correctly. Not entirely sure when the files are supposed to be brought over. I don't think the MCC team gave a time for that but I haven't been keeping up with it much. Edit: Chunk said it.
Stayed up way too late fussing with Reach files. Had to start 125 maps and decide which 24 I wanted to keep. Then restart those 24 maps to make them available in temporary files, and eventually log into my friend's profile to save them all. Super tedious. I honestly only play my own maps and a handful of others but we like to dig though the pile every now and again. Might have been able to save a little time if I could find a second controller. I don't know if I'd be happy or pissed if they allowed you to keep your save file which actually has all my maps in it. *sigh*