redrumv2 DOWNLOAD HERE 2v2 heaven redrum v2 only uses half of the foundry floor. it has some intrlock bases. and one big building in the center. i tested it with some of my friends and it exceeded my expectations. the map is just plain fun to play. weapons list 4 assualt rifles spawn 30 2 battle rifles spawn 30 1 shot gun spawn 120 1 sniper rifle spawn 90 2 smgs spawn 30 2 spikers spawn 30 2 plasma rifles spawn 30 2 needlers spawn 60 1 brute shot spawn 45 2 energy swords spawn 120 2 carbines spawn 30 4 maulers spawn 45 1 beam rifle spawn 90 1 flamethower spawn 150 eq list 12 frag gernades spawn 10 7 spike gernades spawn 10 GAMETYPES 2V2 TEAMSKILL DOWNLOAD HEREthis is a basic slayer match where each member of the team gets 2 lives. it is 5 rounds and their are no weapons on the map. u will start with a br and assualt rifle. this is the ultimate test of skill. not indivalily but as a team can u eliminate the other team before they eliminate u. 2V2 TACTICAL VIP DOWNLOAD HEREthis is a modifidy vip game that play like TEAM SLAYER. it is set up so that each member of the team get diffent weapon. the vip will have a assualt rifle and a sniper rifle. the other member of his team will have and br and a shotgun. this forces the two members of the team to cooperate togher. once agian it not like a game of vip it plays like TEAM SLAYER.
Whoa, I'm loving the idea of the bases not being perfect squares. and also being in the corners of the map. 2 swords? 1 shotgun? sounds fun. What i love the most about this is the 2v2 tactical vip gametype. That is a really good idea and i can't believe i didn't think of that! But 19 grenades for 2v2 seems like grenade spamming would be imminent. Maybe I'm wrong. Also the flame thrower seems like it would never be used, since it is a close quarters weapon, and there are long range weapons on this map, but i guess you could fool a noob coming at you with a mauler by igniting him.(teehee) i am seriously loving the idea of 2 swords and 1 shotgun. also, the third screenshot looks like it would be a good fulcrum point of the close quarters combat. The catwalk in the second screenshot looks like a good sniping spot. I think i might download.
I did not see V1 of your Redrum map but this one looks very well made. I will download and see if it works as good as you say so.
I like the structure in the first picture, I always love multi merged boxes on different levels. I also agree with Novak, more pictures would give people a better look on your map before the download. And finally, I like the use of space on Foundry, looks nice.
this map seems good. ill dl and check out. this map gave me an idea for a map called "Iron Steel" comin soon!!!! most likely tommorrow starting now
well built.. altho 1 thing i can see you may want to change is the fence walls... they kinfa look messy. besides that goodwork.
Dude, Definitely add on to this post! It looks like a great map, but needs more pictures and in-depth description! I'm DLing anyways. Looks really good.
The map is good- but, I would of thought of a differen name as he said above because it dosen't god with the map- if this was a rum map with cags of ruum on it then it would be right but, I would think of something else like Big Bunnker hill or something and it would make you a better Forger, a better namer, and it wil.l get you more downloads for the map.