Map title: UndergroundbaseV4 "Hi everyone this my latest infection map.With V3 having over 270 downloads i wanted to make V4(The last one)to be so with after testing the map and it being grate.I hope you enjoy this as much as me and my friends do. Download map Download game variant "The idea came for came from me and my friends talking about infection map ideas.He said he could teach me how to make opening and closing doors.Then i said we could make 4 fence boxs mabe in to square(The place were humans spawn)and he never showed me and in the middle of talking i came up with the idea for a kinda round idea.Thuse the undergroundbase was born.With V1 having 96 DL and V2 having 111 DL and V3 having 270. I hope this will go way beond theres combined anyway heres some screenshots. Pics coming soon!!!!
If you do not know how to fix it try going to this link maybe you looked over a code or something, Im making a infection map also. =]
well i looked over the codes and tryed again to fix but still not working so if u want pics take the link to the map and it has pics
well i went and looked at the pics on the map link, and well, it seems like a good idea, but it def. needs some cleaning up, it looks a bit sloppy. and also a weapon/equipment armory is never a good idea, especially with GOOD weapons. so fix those things and i think you will have a good map
The map looks pretty average, sloppy, but maybe good gameplay. I'm not gonna download it because of limits, but I'm glad you and apparently others like your map. - One thing though, I looked at your post on Bungie, and it looks like you kept the thread alive by having a bunch of different conversations through your post. Don't do that!
[FONT="]Welcome to FH! I see that this is your first post, Chris. Sometimes, posts will not be up to standards. In your case, the pics do not work. Click the link below that reads "How to post" to learn how! Just keep this up and you will be on your way to a great career in map making.[/FONT] [FONT="]Use these links to get help on your next map, or, to just get to now ForgeHub. How to post - [/FONT] [FONT="]Click here[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]Canvas Maps - [/FONT][FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="]Click here[/FONT][FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT]
No offense, but it looks very poorly built. Also, I haven't been on the forum long, but I'm pretty sure armories are frowned upon. Try again with interlocking and make sure it it cleaner. Also avoid armories.
trust me Trust me the game play is good and the weapons are there for a reson and the armory will not be there in Undergroundbase 2 and it will be netter