Gametypes: Oddball Territory King of the hill Description: From the back, you have 3 main choices to choose from to reach the frontlines, go through the front door into the action, take the left way and sneak behind your oponents via the crouch tunnel, or pick off your prey from the sniper tower. In oddball, the ball spawns in the middle platform and in king of the hill the hill switches between 3 spots. Territory mode on this map is sort of based off Team fortress 2 control point maps. There is one control point that you must defend from attackers. Pictures: Crouch Tunnel Crouch Tunnel Exit Stairs to Sniper Sniper Back Area Weapons: Mauler Carbine Battle Rifle Sniper Rifle Brute Shot Equipment: Power Drain Regenerator Bubble shield Download
From the looks of it there's only one way up to sniper. I can't say I like maps which only have one way to places, but I'll DL and give you shout and see how it works anyway. 'Cus you know.. Ima nice
make a series of jumps to get up to the sniper, add a ghost, and make a ledge out of fence walls aroud the edge. that would make this map excellent. and add a shotgun
i have it qued, looks really good, though it almost feels like u should have closed off the base (of default foundry) area, as it already looks good without it, also, just a suggestion, for your link, have it go like this Download Metro. Shrine Here![/URL but after the last url insert a ]
looks pretty fun, add the first pic it look a bit basic but i like the tunnel and the sniper spot, i agree with wat ever1 else said sand im looking forward to a v2, good map
k, so i downloaded it...checked it out...and you have a little bit of work to do good sir, the idea is allright, but it was somewhat *dare i flame?* sloppy *dared to flame*...the technique i use to get things aligned well, aside from patience, is you take one wall, you place it EXACTLY how u plan on it, then you put another wall along it. Kinda like this: .....| ....| Except, the bottom one should be scooted upward some... Then, turn off the original wall, after looking for your marker (a place you know you want ur next wall to be) on the backing wall, and start a new round, after you've started your new round, all you have to do is place your new wall next to the wall you have as backing: .....| ......| Then turn on ur original wall, and you should have 2 finely interlocked walls, tudah: .....| .....| except, you know, this is a horrible example the | button -_-, trying to give u some form of layout though...Also, please ignore the periods!
it looks pretty plain but 1 thing i do really like is the stairs thatare upside down.. very good job thinkin that up.
for instance....the back wall...oh you reminded me since u asked...the back wall there are two of them on the top left side (if looking from foundry's default bases) for no apparent reason...
It looks like a fun map to play on, I like the sniper perch. One thing I would change though is the amount of double boxes you interlocked, it looks like you kinda just interlocked more and more boxes if there was crack, also all the boxes should be facing the same way. It looks like it has the potential to be a good map :]
just one question, why is the back wall covered in patches of walls?.. with boxes behind, isn't it a waste of money and space? Apart from that it looks alright, i see lots of interlocking has been used, maybe some more cover could have been used. 4/5