I think like TGIFD there should be a night where one forge hub guilder/mason gets together with a group of 15 other members of forge hub, and everyone pools together ideas. BTW hello I am A27 STARWOLF
15 other people? That is a pretty bad idea... it just plain would not work. If you want to work together with other people, there are teams that forge together quite often. Make yourself known in the community as someone worthwhile and not just another noob and you eventually will be recognized and end up working together with people, possibly forming your own team and making some great maps!!! We look forward to ur contribution, welcome to fh.
I can understand what you're intention was, but it wouldn't be practical. If you've ever played GI Joe with your friends when you were a kid, you'd remember what a pain in the butt it was to agree on anything. You get that many people in a conversation, and I doubt anything would get achieved. But I think the best thing to do if you need some ideas is just bounce around here and check out some of the maps. You'll definitely come up with something. And it seems that most of the regulars here will be willing to help if you want to toss around ideas. Welcome aboard, good sir!
This thread gave me an idea of making a Pool table simulation in Foundry. Yeah, that's right. Double box, opens for the score holes, Soccerballs as the poolballs, and gravity hammers. Yup, that would pwn.
I was going to use double boxes to make the floor of the pool table. EDIT: Oh yeah, falling off the edge of the floor of the pool table. Right.
I like this idea. Use shield doors; that should keep the balls in play. Turn your double boxes over to the smooth side to simulate the felt and upturned single open boxes as the pockets. Maybe even barriers as the bumpers. Get to it, man! This would be awesome!!