psh Amateur @Xandrith I don’t see any 3x3s in that tray, clearly you didn’t get the real in n out experience
I can’t eat in n out anymore tbh I had that all through high school so I get triggered by the smell of grilled onions
I think I can say with confidence that The Darkk Skull is secretly the Halo 3 art director in disguise.
Who? An ant? @LargerFiend Your work often lacks uniformity and better cohesiveness. I do think you have a great talent for coming up with very creative and unique visions in your head. One half of me always cheers up, when I see a new artistic theme from you and look at the overall visuals, just for the other half to be "sad" afterwards, when I look a little bit longer than five seconds and see the issues. Try to teach yourself this "eye" that focuses on nature, realism, uniformity and... such stuff... It's hard to describe. It's like a gut feeling about something being not right. It probably comes from meticulous behaviour as a whole, or perfectionism. If I would have to compare one aspect of this eye to real life, it's seeing the uneven fence of the neighbours or the little piece of shredded paper on the ground. While others do not see stuff like that, I do. But I want to make clear, it's not just about seeing details and little things, there are more facettes to it. If something sticks out, is uneven, etc., I've taught myself to see it and judge it immediately and think about it... or not. All that happens in mere seconds. You could call one part of this eye higher awareness, I don't know. All this is hard to describe, so excuse my rambling. I also don't know, if this helps in any way. If you or others want, I could go through the three pictures you posted or ones you want and show how I look at things. It would just consist of opinions without long explanations stated. As I said, it's like a feeling. I don't have much time, but maybe I could add captions to the pictures or so.
Go for it! I'm always looking for feedback. I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly, so narrowing it down to key examples I think would help me out a lot. Is the issue with the framing of the pictures, or is it related to the forged objects themselves? I know some people have told me that they struggle to find technical purpose for the things that I have created. And if you ask me that, I wouldnt be able to give you an honest answer since I'd be making it up after the fact lol
I think I can translate from ‘mental midget’ to ‘english’: Your work is often overscaled and underscaled at the same time. You also have a knack for putting things next to each other that don’t belong - for example, in the photos you posted, there’s a train station and railroad that have a steampunk sheen to them, juxtaposed directly with the traditional Japanese architectural details of the station and the vaguely Californian mansion at the top of the hill. Plus, the lantern in the small cavern could have been lifted from a western set in the 1880s. It’s just a little wonky. @Buddy Jumps just having some fun, my son. I like Ironhall, really makes me feel like I’m a Dwarf.