Fortress Invasion

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by X Morcam X, May 30, 2008.

  1. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    This is a map related to the map Fortress, and uses the same gametype.

    Gametype is HERE

    The map! HERE

    The Forge Hub post of Fortress (Check out for a better description of the gametype) can be found HERE

    If the "A Fortress Map" in the title is bad, it can be changed. I just felt that the name invasion didn't seem to have much to do with a fortress, so I put that in.

    OK, this map is designed for a special type of 1 sided VIP variant. This is designed to be a type of medieval styled "King in a castle" type of gameplay. Swords are swords (go figure) the sniper rifles are something like bows (something) and the gravity hammers will break down the gates. The attackers must invade the castle by taking down the gates and climb into the keep, killing the VIP (the king). If you are looking for a fuller and better description of the gametype, check out the Fortress post too! Both use the same gametype and have much the same gameplay, this is just a newer and larger map.

    A brief description of the action...

    This is a fortress map that uses a 1 sided VIP variant (essentially king in the castle) in which the attackers attempt to kill the vip, and the defenders protect him. The attackers must break through a pair of barrier gates, and invade the keep, to kill the VIP. The defenders will be shooting at the attackers, and will be jumping down on them. The defenders and attackers each have 4 sniper rifles, and the attackers have 8 gravity hammers to break down the gates.

    First, the attackers spawn, and must pick up the sniper rifles and gravity hammers, to go with their already provided energy swords. They use the snipers to fend off the defenders, while they also use the gravity hammers to break through a simply crate fence. After a couple whacks, the crates (on a 60 second respawn) will be down, and the attackers can directly attack the barrier wall. It will take a short period of time to break this down, and this gives the defenders time to gather and attack the people destroying the gate. They can use their sniper rifles to assault the snipers, and jump down to energy sword the gravity hammerers.

    If the attackers do not have sufficient numbers to properly destroy the gate, or they need to kill the snipers more directly, they can use the gravity hammers to jump onto the walls and kill the snipers, or even attack the VIP!

    After the attackers break through the first gate, the move on into the first courtyard, and begin to attack the second barrier gate. The second gate is a bit tougher than the first, but it will go down in due time. If they have not broken it down in three minutes, a pair of grav lifts will spawn to help them along, along with a flamethrower to help kill any people in the way.

    Once they are in the final courtyard, the real battle begins. The attacks must climb up the steep ramps to kill the VIP, and the defenders must use their swords and snipers to keep them away. This continues for a good period of time, in which the attackers will either kill the VIP, or the defenders will successfully protect him. The ramps are fairly easy to get up, but a VIP with a grav hammer can cause a problem, so use your own as well, along with the flamethrower (hopefully still in your hands!)

    Some overview pics...

    Looking up at the base.

    The first gate

    First courtyard

    The second courtyard

    The Keep

    The attacker base

    And some action pics!

    Invading the Fortress

    Climbing to kill the VIP

    Assassinating a VIP

    They're In!

    A sword duel in the courtyard

    Me getting a killtrocity in front of the gate! (Only thing over an overkill we ever got)

    Hunting the VIP

    Thanks for the DL's, and please leave comments! Also, check out the first fortress too! (I consider this one to be a bit better.)

    NOTE: There is a newer fortress, named "Fortress: Revelation!" You can DL it HERE!
    #1 X Morcam X, May 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2008
  2. FrenchToastForge


    Likes Received:
    It looks like a different kind of map for swords and hammers.
    In a good way.
    Ill DL, but i wont be able to play it until i get my xbox back. (RRoD)
  3. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    For the front gate is there a switch to open it up or is it a bash your way in gate?
  4. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    please change the title of your thread to your maps name only. on topic: the destructible gate is a good idea and the rest of the map IMO looks nice but you could interlock some objects to make it look even better but note that it is not required. ^textured you are suppose to bash the gate i believe
  5. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Maybe with a gametype with higher damage resistance but no shields. and weapons should be pistol and sword. just my opinion.
  6. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    interesting idea will check it out
  7. T3CH N9NE

    T3CH N9NE Ancient
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    Hmm..looks interesting. However, I have some thoughts of my own, which you may or may not take to heart. First and foremost, INTERLOCK. I can't stress enough how important interlocking/merging is when it comes down to getting downloads. People like smooth surfaces and the time-consuming and tedious work that is interlocking really pays for itself in aesthetic value. Secondly, Ive seen way, way, way too many maps based around power weapons, i.e. the sword, gravity hammer, and/or sniper rifle. As well as vip/infection gametypes. My suggestion is to make it an assault variant? Possibly with 1 round and 3 detonations to win? You could place the plant points on the "gates" and when the bomb detonates, a new path is opened, instead of the attackers bashing at crates with gravity hammers. And again, these are only suggestions and are meant in the most constructive way possible, so take no offense. Other than that, looks like a decent map. Maybe try implementing some of my suggestions and producing a version 2? Keep up the good work!
  8. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    Looks like haunted house or something Lol cool =P great job could need interlocking>? also nice with the covers
  9. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    Hmmm...this actually looks quite well made...and from what I can see it has no visible interlocking...which is just another testament to the fact that interlocking isn't necessary to make a map look good...

    well done sir, I'd haveta play it to truly know what it is like...but from your description and the actual layout of the map, I'd imagine it is quite fun

    good job,
  10. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    I love maps with doors!!!!!!!!!

    It looks like it could be very fun

  11. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Sorry I haven't been able to respond, just got my internets back. If you read the post for fortress, it'll give you a better understanding of the gametype, and how it should be played. I'll answer all questions in order.

    1. Yes, it is a bash your way in gate. The defenders cannot open it (and why would they want to?

    2. I'm still not feeling that interlocking is necessary for a good map. This has a bit of interlocking to make everything fit (You can't see it) but there is none done purely for asthetics, and since I have not been able to find any surfaces that could be benefitted by interlocking in this, I'm not going to do it (until I do find one, with all due respect). If I had a surface that could be made better by interlocking, I'd do it, but this map is perfectly fine. If someone cares to point one out, go for it.

    3. Neal, I'm not sure if you fully understand the map, and particularly the gametype. Pistols eliminate the purpose of the map (A kind of medieval type with swords and snipers, hammers are only for the gates).

    4. Tech, I have seen a decent number of the assault types, and yes they are good, but they are not appropriate for this map. It was designed purely for the "King in a castle" kind of gameplay.

    Thanks for all the comments, And I'm probably going to update the first post with some more info on the gametype, to prevent further confusion.
  12. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    I'm curious if anyone has actually played this and has any gameplay thoughts on it? You'd need to use the gametype I provided, unless you just want thoughts on the map.
  13. Yum_Toast

    Yum_Toast Ancient
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    This looks epic. The whole bashing down the gate sounds very fun.
  14. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Thanks to the mod that took the "A fortress map" off the end. My internet went down again :(
  15. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    No problem, I try ;-)

  16. Flexwalker100

    Flexwalker100 Ancient
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    You map has the same name as mine i am going to report jk i changed mine to Invasion. so it is different hahaha
  17. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    nice idea, but its been done before. and i dont see any interlocking either
  18. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    Interlocking is not necessary. And if you can point me to where this type of map/gametype has been done before, thanks.
  19. X Morcam X

    X Morcam X Ancient
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    After playing a couple games of this a couple nights ago, I am definitely going to overhaul this. There are some glitches to be fixed, but it really does take far too long to get into the keep from the attacker spawn points, making it very hard for the attackers. I'm probably going to fix the bugs in a 1.1, and overhaul this some time in the future as a V. 2.
  20. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Ooh! Spooky! Looks pretty good, But it could be cleaned up a bit with some interlocking.

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