Bruh. Did you even see Jackbasket is back? I swear that map has more nostalgia packed into it than 10 tons of dynamite into an elephants ass.
The people here that are still active probably all already have the game on XB1. We also have hardly any details. And I think people are really hesitant to get about the hype train after what happened when MCC originally launched. Having said that, I'm definitely excited.
I'm most interested in Reach getting added. I'm all for the 4K once-over and enjoy my HDR settings but what I really want to know is how about them draw distances? I remember draw distances being really painful in Reach. Also what about textures in split screen multiplayer and more specifically Forge. The texture pop-in was brutal in that once you started going into split screen. I'm sure it will get the Halo 3 once over but honestly that game could really do for a remaster. Halo 3 felt like the art could sort of keep up but Reach not so much. At the very least it needs some serious landscaping work.
I think forgehub is better off dead than swarmed by the PC community. You can say goodbye to r/halo. Especially if infinite is released PC too. It will be full of aimbot videos the same as bo4 and apex subs have experienced recently. That among the mariad of issues and balancing complaints that drown out the console community discussion. Not that MCC is newly released content that will experience this but I'm just sorta venting. I just really have a disdain for the PC community when it mixes with competitive shooters that are also on console.
that's subjective in all honesty though we don't have the ability to comprehend objectivity to it's fullest. Too many variables whose values change based on what is being observed and who is observing it. This experiment seems dumb to me because anyone that understands what subjectivity is know that a main factor in it is the person involved and their personal perspective. So an experiment like this just seems like a waste of time. This experiment is literally that conversation you had with your friend in high school about a fight you both saw but both thought someone else got the edge in.
I know they haven't done it in the past but the addition of Reach in the MCC really needs access to the current file share otherwise there's going to be way too many lost gems. I know alot of usernames have either been taken over or lost forever but their old fileshares could still be supported. It just requires a little creativity. I'm going to be seriously choked if I can't import the 100+ levels I have stored.
Level Design w/Seth ep.4 will go live tonight at 7:30pm EST . Today we will continue where we left off in prototyping. Hope to see you there.
Speaking of fileshares has anyone heard anything about if/when we'll be getting a full featured fileshare for the MCC?
thanks for sharing the article, i went to the source and read through it, it's a little above my level of understanding scientifically speaking. However, philosophically speaking science is a flawed method of truth seeking, i don't see any discernable difference between the tests they made and a more practical example like comparing a blind persons perception of reality to a person who can see. Both perceptions of their realities are true for them (subjectively) but this doesnt't neccecarily mean that objective reality doesn't exist, only that their method of truth seking are producing different result
Yeah, we haven't heard anything about that recently, maybe they hit a roadblock... It would be wonderful, if we had a fileshare for Halo Reach, 3, 4 and H2A. Holy... Imagine that! A spartan can dream.
In light of Microsoft putting Halo in Steam it's sparked a discussion about whether anyone thinks Microsoft would dare put Steam on the Xbone? Sure it would sell consoles but wouldn't Steams cheap games overwhelm sales on the Xbox? I love the idea though.
If you didn't make it to the live stream of ep.4 of Level Design w/Seth here is the Youtube video of it. Thanks to those who have been watching.