Husky Raid Forge Contest!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Feb 10, 2019.

By WAR on Feb 10, 2019 at 2:46 AM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    husky header.jpg
    ---Update: Deadline pushed back to April 15th---
    Welcome back folks, its been a while since we announced our last Forge contest and we've got a special treat in store for you this time around! Buckle your seatbelts and get ready for a Husky Raid Forge contest! We've got some amazing prizes including cash, signed posters, pocket lint, and more!

    We would also like to announce that this contest is being held in association with 343's multiplayer sustain team members and that the top contenders will be potentially considered for matchmaking implementation!

    Husky Raid is probably the most popular Action Sack game mode since Grifball; however, we have haven't seen many maps for it that uses Forge to its full potential. That's where you all come in! With the help of the Forge community this game mode might finally receive some justice by accompanying it with a wide variety of fantastic environments. So pick up your pens, pencils, crayons, controllers and lets get to work!

    If you're still wondering what Husky Raid is don't worry, it can be explained in a single sentence. However, a picture is worth a thousand words so we'll provide both.
    • Husky Raid is a fiesta version of CTF on linear style maps.
    pro strats.jpg

    The 'Fiesta' game mode provides players with random weapons each time they spawn, creating some of the most unbalanced gameplay to exist in Halo. That said, who doesn't enjoy rolling the dice every once in a while? Dead bodies and power weapons will start to pile up fast! Pro Strat: If you don't like the weapon you spawned with just steal one from the corpse next to you. If you'd like to watch a video of some gameplay you can take a look here: Husky Raid. If your eyeballs start bleeding from the chaos, don't worry, that's normal.

    As usual, ForgeHub will be providing $1000 cash for prizing but this time we're able to provide some icing on the cake thanks to our friends at 343! Blaze, multiplayer sustain designer, suggested a fantastic idea where he will print a poster image of the winning map and have some of the staff over at 343 sign it for you!

    1st Place: $500 + Signed Map Poster by 343

    2nd Place: $300 + ForgeHub T-Shirt

    3rd Place: $200 + ForgeHub T-Shirt

    - Top maps will be added to ForgeHub's featured maps library and will also be potentially considered for matchmaking implementation.

    There are a total of 7 map templates to choose from and decorate that display a slight variety in gameplay. Similar to our 'Grifball' contest, judging will primarily be based on the creative & artistic qualities of your work. These templates are quite small and simple; providing forgers with a large creative budget to make something visually spectacular. Forgers are allowed to make alterations to the templates as long as they follow the spirit of the gametype and don't negatively impact gameplay. You can download the templates by clicking on the link or image below. Please note that these are 'prefabs' and not 'maps'.​

    Template #1

    Template #2

    Template #3
    down ramp.jpg

    Template #4
    two lane.jpg

    Template #5
    zig zag.jpg

    Template #6

    Forgers will be given approximately one month to complete their work. Entries must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM PST on April 15th, 2019. Maps should be properly set up to support the Fiesta Capture the Flag gametype, found in the official Halo 5 gametype list.

    To submit your map, simply create/login to your account at, visit the "Maps" page and click on the "Add Map" icon. Eligible submissions must contain at least 3 images per map. YouTube gameplay videos or walkthroughs are not required but are encouraged.

    To submit your map to this contest please post your ForgeHub map link to this thread below. We will keep all info and submission content contained within this single thread.

    Example Map Submission
    Gamertag: Whos Blaze
    Template: #4
    Map Link:

    Grace Period
    We will be providing forgers with a one week 'grace period' after the submission deadline allowing forgers to make 'technical' adjustments that don't impact the artistic integrity of the map. Some of the edits forgers can make are listed below:

    - performance / lighting
    - gametype support
    - player containment
    - intro / outro cameras
    - collision boundaries

    Eligible map submissions will be judged based on 'visual' and 'technical' aspects only. This means that 'layout' and 'gameplay' will not play a role in our assessment. Our primary focus is 'visual'; we want you to decorate these templates to the best of your creative ability. If a map has minor performance issues then it still has a chance to win; however, it will need to excel in its 'visual' criteria to make up for it. If a map has severe performance issues, it could result in disqualification, so please be mindful of performance while you build to maximize your chances of winning.

    • Does the map have a strong artistic theme or immerse the player into a believable environment?
    • Does the map display a strong level of originality or creativity in its appearance?
    • Does the map make full use of the tools available?

    • Does the map support the intended gametype? Are all required objects and systems in place to successfully play a game?
    • Does the map suffer from any negative performance issues?
    • Does the map meet current matchmaking standards? (player containment, object alignment, intro / outro cameras, etc.)
    • Whos Blaze
    • Randy 355
    Q. What maps can I forge on?

    A. Your map can be forged on one of the blank canvases - Barrens, Depths, Tidal, Alpine, Glacier, Parallax, or Breakout Arena. It can also be forged on any of the Halo 5 disc maps; however, they can ONLY be used as a blank canvas. You CANNOT use existing geometry on disc maps.

    Q. Are there age requirements?

    A. No. Anyone who submits a map will be eligible to claim a prize.

    Q. Can I co-forge with my friend(s)?

    A. Yes! We love seeing community collaboration, so co-forging is allowed. However, be aware that your map must have a primary author who will receive any contest winnings.

    Q. Is there a limit on creation date?

    A. No, there is no limit on the creation date. Maps submitted to ForgeHub before this announcement may be eligible to win.

    Q. How many maps may I submit?

    A. You may submit as many maps as you'd like, however a 'primary author' can only win once.

    Q. Are remakes from non Halo games allowed?

    A. Yes, but it will affect future matchmaking consideration as 343 cannot use content of other IPs. That being said, you are still eligible for the other prizes.

    Q. How will prize money be distributed to winners?

    A. Winners will need to have a valid PayPal account to receive prize money.

    Anyone found to be plagiarizing maps OR PRE-FABS from other forgers without their permission will be disqualified, and shall forever be shunned by the forge community (so don't do it).

    Thanks for being such an inspiring community! We're really looking forward to seeing what you create! Special thanks to our friends at 343 for making this collaboration possible. The sustain team has been doing an excellent job at featuring more Forge content and creating new and fun playlists for everyone. Lets help out and make some incredible Husky Raid maps!

    - :heart: :forgehub: The ForgeHub Team
    #1 WAR, Feb 10, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2019
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Feb 10, 2019.

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    1. NOKYARD
      Prefab 3 is missing a block, or has an extra block.
      GrayishPoppy210, Blaze and WAR like this.
    2. Yeti For Hire
    3. Sikamikanico
      Time to make ANOTHER Sangehli map I guess.
      Arpod, GrayishPoppy210, Blaze and 4 others like this.
    4. SaltyKoala
      This says 2v2 map contest right? If this is not just a bad dream I'm leaving this site for good. The most insulting contest to date. RIP Intelligent level design.
    5. Ryouji Gunblade
      Ryouji Gunblade
      It's funny because I'm making Bridge of Eldin right now.

      But I'm not going to submit that, haha.
      Portaleer likes this.
    6. Sikamikanico
      It's okay to have fun.

      Plus, how else can I stand a chance of winning a design contest? (have templates, that's how)
    7. Noble Renegade
      Noble Renegade
      I'm not trying to sound negative here but I really don't like the idea of using per-built designs.
      K a n t a l o p e and Blaze like this.
    8. Blaze
      Just had the 4v4 contest to flex those muscles. This is for those who don't have the mind of a wizard like you. Unless you want to get creative and build some crazy out of the box Husky Raid design that still fits the formula. ;)

      Luckily, you don't have to. As it says in the post, you're welcome to deviate from the templates. You can even build it from scratch, id you desire too. Just make sure that it is still in the vein of Husky Raid.
    9. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      I want to make one, i have an idea!
    10. NOKYARD
      aaaaand . . . done!
    11. Hairy Mcclairy
      Hairy Mcclairy
      ooo yis an aesthetic contest :O

      EDIT: why did I only find out about this today... :( :(
      Last edited: Feb 25, 2019
      GrayishPoppy210 likes this.
    12. Buddy Jumps
      Buddy Jumps
      Profile picture checks out.
      CertifiedChamp likes this.
    13. Hairy Mcclairy
      Hairy Mcclairy
      Submission link doesn't work..
    14. MythicFritz
      I just found out about it too. Not sure how I overlooked it on the front page for over a week. The post date says February 10th but I don't recall seeing it until now. (I didn't check FH over the weekend)
    15. Hairy Mcclairy
      Hairy Mcclairy
      It's only been published to Facebook within the last 24hrs or so and everyone commenting is from today, so maybe just maybe we get a global extension because no one knew about it until now? Pretty please?
    16. ARC1T3CTZ
      After posting your map, post a link to it in the HUSKY RAID Forge Contest Submissions Thread, found here.

      Link doesn't work my dude of dudez this makes one reflect onto the path of mmmmmmdom lol peace
    17. ArturBloodshot
      I don't see why the concerns. Two years ago we had the Grifball Forge contest where technically were templates (due to Grifball courts guidelines and @NOKYARD could dismiss me because he helped all contestants to have a correct entry). And like @Blaze said, the templates are no obligatory, just some examples of approach.

      Maybe it will look like another aesthetic contest but one should think outside the box and get the best result out of the scope. Not to focus on what cannot be done but to think what can be done.
      II SEGA USA II and WAR like this.
    18. S0UL FLAME
      S0UL FLAME
      I can't wait to play on all these maps that will have bad frame rate
    19. NOKYARD
      Mine is 366 pieces.
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