Halo 6 Wishlist

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by qrrby, Jun 10, 2017.

  1. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
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    Well I'm assuming most people here have seen the movie by now, so I'll highlight a scene in the beginning.

    One of the characters is buying time to "download plot armor" by making fun of the villains and then he blurts out a mom joke. We don't take this villain seriously to begin with because he has no presence and is portrayed as incompetent, but the fact that the film has to be overly self-aware about it and rub it in our face every time he is on screen can be seen as an overall disservice to the film. The reason is because the First Order is capable of destruction on a massive scale and they are regularly seen building these massive constructs, but then the heroes walk all over them and come out unscathed like a saturday morning cartoon. The original movies never really explored how tyrannous the Empire was, but those (and Rogue One, which was almost a really good movie) showed a force that was at the very least capable of ruling the galaxy due to their presence and demeanor. But at the same time, those movies were rarely hamfisted and grandiose about it.

    Everything is a nuance, which is learned and not a law of the universe you can just "explain", so it's not really something you can bring down to "facts vs opinions". Rather, it's about what is intended, and whether ideas contradict what was already there. The reason why the Spartan Ability argument in Halo is carried so fiercely is both because of the contradiction with what was already there, and the less than stellar execution on top.

    This is a good video about Jackie Chan's cinematography in his eastern films, which is largely better than his western films because of the way he films his action sequences, allowing you to appreciate the choreography instead of hide it behind a million takes.
    SgtSlaphead likes this.
  2. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
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    I forgot that I hated spranklz
  3. SgtSlaphead

    SgtSlaphead Talented
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    Seriously though, I love Mel Gibson more and more every time you post!

    As for the "debate", the new spartan abilities inherently hurt map design and weapon balancing. If you disagree you suck at Halo.
  4. Kodu

    Kodu Spartan III

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    I would like forge to be approved upon building off of 5's. And I like kinda halo reach a bit about matchmaking where it had a playlist for casual and a list for competitive(like an option). I think you should be able to make your own vehicle and save them as prefabs.
  5. Yumudas Beegbut

    Yumudas Beegbut Legendary
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    Performance Priority Property

    Give all objects a Performance Priority property that indicates which objects can be left out to improve performance. We'd have to use it sensibly, but leave it up to us to fix instead of limiting options.

    Not sure what options we could have or how to implement them properly so objects don't just suddenly disappear. Some thoughts for options:
    • Don't remove
    • Use low res in distance
    • Remove in the distance
    • Use low res
    • Remove 2nd
    • Remove 1st
  6. Masterr SLUG

    Masterr SLUG Legendary
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    moldable objects as to create perfect spheres and cones without wasting budget
  7. InvokingTexan

    InvokingTexan Legendary

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    I think this has been already said... but I would want the ability to force-choose a person to a specific team as lobby leader in a custom match. Similar to, if not an exact rip from, Black Ops 3, and its leader-private match abilities. I am so sick of wiseguys switching back, and forth between teams just to get a rise out of unbalancing the match. And when I tell them in-game, "Please switch to blue team", I get told to piss off. They are the [Press X to delay countdown] swine reborn. URRGHH!

    Also, retarded randoms need to be blacklisted with an in-game mark, too. To warn people of their mental deficiency to follow basic orders, so lobby leaders can boot them before a match begins summarily. - End.
  8. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    Flight the Forge so we can get some updates and fixes in before it releases.

    Give us a access to all completed assets from the campaign in the Forge.

    Give us a texture crafting tool (with sharing).

    Give us a proper classic Halo gametype.
  9. Yumudas Beegbut

    Yumudas Beegbut Legendary
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    The lack of a classic-style H5 playlist was kinda silly... we can have both. We do have both if we use the game settings. We can have it all!! Mwahahaha!!

    I said this a few msgs above, but had more, prolly better, ideas:
    Rendering Optimization Requests/Ideas
    • Generally try to remove hard limits & replace with info that helps players figure out what to do... i.e. offload performance as a forger responsibility! WINNER!
    • List how many objects have to be rendered for the current view & add option to highlight them until the player doesn't need them highlighted
    • Give forgers object faces only, or let forgers "turn off" individual faces
    • Some of these things might be doable as background processes while in Forge Mode... make good use of spare processing that can be done & saved prior to loading maps
    • If possible, automatically figure out if faces are enclosed or otherwise not needing rendering
    • Create some kind of object index for rendering faces that point the same direction so they can all be removed/ignored when the view direction is facing the other way or thereabouts... kinda similar to 2D top view RPGs had large rectangles of map graphics & it preloaded the nearby ones
    • Another index option: rendering indexes could be generated (forge time!) for a stacked grid of playable/playing space (or for Named Volumes, or give forgers rendering zones & blame them for performance issues, etc)
    • Create Line-Of-Sight groups that effectively merge Forge Objects together for the purpose of filtering out objects to render and/or doing player respawning LoS calcs, can be automatic or offloaded to forger responsibility
    • Automatically track where Spartans most frequently are & look and create rendering indexes from that and store with the map
    • Similar but keep track of problem areas that have issues like frame drops. Maybe make a Rendering Troubleshoot UI that lets the player review these trouble areas while offering suggestions. Maybe it could be a Rendering Troubleshoot + Optimize UI?
    GrayishPoppy210 and Preacher001 like this.
  10. The muddler

    The muddler Spartan II

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  11. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    How did I miss this lol. Incredibly well done.

    GrayishPoppy210 likes this.
  12. Auggie Burr

    Auggie Burr Promethean
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    I don't think anyone said it yet.... BRING BACK EQUIPMENT!

    The plays you could make with bubble shield, the radar jammer, all of it was insane. Like THROWING A FREAKING GRAVITY LIFT ARE U FRIGGIN KIDDING ME?! It was the coolest stuff, now its all gone.

    Plus, Jumping maps were THAT MUCH BETTER with the Radar Jump mechanic. #Jussayin
    Yumudas Beegbut and Preacher001 like this.
  13. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    The portable grav lift was a great way of increasing accessibility on a map without allowing every player to just casually jump up everywhere they wanted whenever they wanted. 343 clearly felt everyone should be able to get everywhere at anytime so we got thrust and clamber instead. That being said I always hated how you could miss a jump buy a toe.

    I wouldn't mind finding a way to drop down the max clamber height in Halo 6 while also making portable grav lifts available in Forge. Bubble shield was also quite good. I would like to see the built in high powered burst thruster in Halo 5 to be replaced with a lower powered limited boost system that sees the suits built capable of heavy thrust and vertical lift but without enough room or power for every possible suit modification. Let us slap on a power booster much like Halo 5's overshield and get a temporary or swappable Heavy thrust upgrade.

    I'm pro equipment as long as it feels fun, futuristic and alien. If it's far more practical, it feels too COD and that's not what I want. If I wanted to play COD, and sometimes I do, I would just load it up.

    I can't say it enough, just because I want to be able to go everywhere on the map with ease doesn't mean I should be capable of it. Forcing people to play within the limitations of the map and their movement is what made it fun, and what made great maps really shine. Halo was part UT/Quake, part Counter strike, and yet neither of them.

    It irritates me that as a guy that always hated tactical games, partially because I sucked at them, campaigning on the importance of the tactical aspect of Halo. This doesn't mean I like MLG and their love of BR's, it just means I prefer a game that offers a broader spectrum of playstyles with a bit of punishment for failing to at least attempt to use your head.
  14. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    I know that everyone has favorite weapons in Halo 4/5 and some of them are going to be Promethean but can we all agree that the Promethean weapons for the most part show a lack of creativity, and feel more like modifications of what we already had. Sure you want to fill a weapons role but couldn't they have been a bit more alien in function while also being less visually obvious in their roles. I'm certain we would have eventually recognized every weapon. I'm not saying all weapons should have been incredible unique for the sake of being unique, just that more variation would have been better.
    Chronmeister likes this.
  15. K a n t a l o p e

    K a n t a l o p e Promethean
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    I want custom rotation snapping. let me get that 18° lock. It'd be great to also be able to copy rotation of objects so that you can match it easily without fiddling around for half an hour to get things only almost lined up. Another thing: single polygon flat textures that're basically just completely flat primitives.
  16. Auggie Burr

    Auggie Burr Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This would essentially double your item limit with this feature. I'm surprised this hasn't been implemented yet.
  17. KRUS4DE

    KRUS4DE Promethean
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    I wish H6 Forge could reach back and grab info from maps made in H5, 4

    I wish H6 Forge had a function to weld multiple objects into one single object, permanently

    I wish H6 Forge had an object creation function, u know, enter dimensions, apply a skin, so we can make our own sized blocks

    I wish H6 had no sprint, dash, or GP, and had increased base movement speed.

    I wish H6 had less matchmaking playlists, or even remove the whole warzone thing, to force players together

    I wish H6 could disengage all party chats and not be circumvented.

    I wish H6 would drop the beginning music/pose scenes before a match
    Preacher001, a Chunk and Chronmeister like this.
  18. Masterr SLUG

    Masterr SLUG Legendary
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    i wish to import mp3 files into maps:3D:
    a Chunk and Chronmeister like this.
  19. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
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  20. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    I want **** and ball torture.

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