Suite #205

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Beyond Skill198, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    Click Picture to DL!
    Suite #205 is the first installment of my 3 part map pack I'm calling the "True Swat Map Pack"
    Later on I will have the other two maps and a type of campaign story to go with it. For right now enjoy my first release, Suite #205. Suite #205 is a two story building which has a backyard, an attic, and a roof that the attackers spawn on.

    My Focus::
    My focus was to create a unique map designed for smaller parties (best with 2 or 3 player teams.) This time around I really started messing with the weapon layout and how much ammo each weapon has, I think I've created a set of weapons that is very enjoyable for this map. This map was originally inspired by Shock Theta's Compartment map.

    This map has 3 stories to it. the defenders will spawn in the bottom floor. in the center of the suite is a stairway up to the second floor, on either side of the stairway are doors leading outside to a backyard. From the backyard you are able to jump to the second floor deck from dumpsters. From the second story of the deck you are able to jump to the third floor roof. Attackers spawn on the roof in the beginning. From the middle of the second floor is a trap door leading to the attic. The attic contains a rocket with 2 rockets and is a very effective hidding place.

    For the campaign you will use the gametype
    True Swat CTF this is basically swat ctf with a few tweaks added for maximum playability.

    If you're not playing the campaign mode (which you won't be for a few weeks.) I recommend team slayer, 1 flag ctf, swat, and any other basic gametypes.

    Weapon Layout::
    (I'm doing this by memory so don't get mad if I'm slightly off)
    I changed the clips and respawn times for the best possible gameplay:

    -1 shotgun (no spare clips)
    -1 mauler (no spare clips)
    -1 rocket (no spare clips)
    -6 BRs (1 spare clip)
    -2 Carbines (1 spare clip)
    -8 Plasma Gernades
    -1 overshield 120 second respawn
    -2 SMGs
    -2 Spikers
    -1 Regenerator (90 second respawn)
    -1 Power Drainer (90 second respawn)

    This is a quick review someone gave me on the forums:

    Here's a review from LXV Grizzly:


    A really crappy MS paint of the basic layout of my map (for those confused by the layout).

    Rooftop Flag Return

    The Backyard

    Second Floor



    Attic #2

    How to get to the Attic

    Action Shots (taken on pre release version)::

    Almost captured the flag...


    Cool picture (too bad it ended in my suicide.)

    You know whats coming...


    Double Teamed...

    I killed that stupid alien.


    Comments ratings and reviews are always welcome and appreciated.

    Old Version:: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    New Version::
    -Fixed the break in the map
    -Deleted active camo everyone hates
    -Moved overshield to where the active camo was.
    DOWNLOAD Suite #205
    #1 Beyond Skill198, Jun 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2008
  2. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Looks awesome. But 1 q. How is this for swat with all these weapons? Did I miss something?
  3. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    looks good with all of the long corridors. but it looks a tad sloppy, but its still good. yeah how is this swat?
  4. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    I agree, how could you possibly have SWAT with a rocket launcher, a mauler and a shotgun? Actually i think they are making a SWAT for shotguns (shWATguns) for Team SWAT on matchmaking. Oh yeah the map looks really good, but you may have a few campers just next to the staircase with the shotgun.
    #4 D34thly F1r3, Jun 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2008
  5. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    looks really good. an over view would be very nice tho b/c i cant really tell the layout...
  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty good, a tad sloppy though.
    I'd reccommend that you dont take your screen shots in forge.
  7. can you post a overveiw pic
  8. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    I see that cretino has become a very popular font. Anyway, the map looks pretty good. Clean interlocking, and NOT SLOPPY Clash, not sloppy.
  9. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    looks good but im reachin my limit sooo yea sry man I might DL it anyway seems like a good infection map
  10. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    Looks cool, but wouldn't the Active Camouflage be riddiculously over powered in a Swat match? BANG dead. WTF?
  11. Gilded King

    Gilded King Ancient
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    Do not take screenshots in forge.
  12. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    i agree with jester, an active camo in SWAT would give the team with the active camo the upper hand, therefore owning the opposite team every time, and creating rifts between friends. other than that, it looks ok, i like the concept, but we cant see the whole building, so im not gonna dl cuz im pretty much right at the limit for dls, but i might think about it
  13. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    map looks good and good for swat to. you people who think you cant have swat with all those weapons, then edit them out yourself
  14. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    looks sloppy but whats up with the carbines and maulers? for swat? thats not right. but the overall concept looks good
  15. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty far as the weapons...if you DL you can always adj the settings for your own taste...Would DL if I looks pretty cool!! Great job!
  16. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like how you click the pic to download.
  17. Fillmore Roy

    Fillmore Roy Ancient
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    The Active Camo controversy makes sense, but you have to remember that you can ALWAYS tweak the map to your own preferences. There's not some kind of invisible barrier that keeps you from editing a community map variant.

    Back to my original reason for posting... The map looks well built. Based on the quality of your previous maps, this one should be good as well. But, I've seen plenty of houses created on Foundry. The concept is becoming over-used. Still, the map looks good based on the many screenshots, some of which can be left out. The "How to post your map" thread has a few screenshot guidelines, which you should probably check out soon. Overall, the map looks good, so I will DL when I get a chance, then I will add my thoughts to this post.

    EDIT: WOW it's been a long time since I've checked up on ForgeHub. Anyway, I feel bad not coming back soon, so I'm sorry about that. I'll do what I can to review the map, but recent events have hindered my ability to return critiques of maps as fast as I had. Give me a bit of time and I'll post up my thoughts soon enough.

    EDIT II: The DL link isn't working for me, but I'll check back every once in a while to see if I can get it.
    #17 Fillmore Roy, Jun 4, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  18. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Looks like you forged it well, but I can't understand the layout from your post at all.
  19. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    First of all I'd like to address the issue that so many people think there are weapons on it for swat. NO THERE IS NOT WEAPONS ON IT FOR SWAT. I think the reason you people are getting confused is that the action shots show guns other than brs. This is because the pictures were taken on a normal match. The reason I posted a link to a swat gametype is because in the story thing I'm planning to do when I release the next two maps, it will use that gametype. Maybe I'll just take the link down for now...

    Next the active camo thing. It creates an area of battle, if you don't want the other team to kill you from nowhere, go get it yourself. Active camo could turn the tides of the battle that is being waged for one side or another so get it so it doesn't happen to you, if you don't agree with this descion take it off! I don't care! It's my design and I hope you don't overlook this whole map because of this stupid argument.

    Now for the comment that it's sloppy. Lindubidux or whatever the heck your name is, you've said that on all three of my maps and I'm tired of you just taking a quick look at the pictures and just posting "It looks a bit sloppy." Next time if you want to post that same freaking comment at least take a look at it in forge. Put a little more thought into your comments, tell me what's sloppy so I can become a better forger...

    And for the overview, I'll try to do something for you in a little bit.
    Hopefully this has cleared some things up, I don't like writting this much crap unless someone actually reads it.
  20. LXV Grizzly

    LXV Grizzly Ancient
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    First of all id like to say im not going to download simply based off the fact that i think that the review is a complete and total viscous lie, or its one of your friends who said that FOR you to quote. based off the pics the map looks decent, not good for swat though becuase of all the weapons and power ups. also it really doesnt look all that original, ive seen a lot of inside building maps, but looks like you spent some time making and interlocking so good job overall.

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