"Icicle 2"

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Raccio14, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. Raccio14

    Raccio14 Ancient
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    Icicle 2

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    (any racing gametype will work, I am merely providing the gametype that I use on all my racing maps, for those of you who dont already have one.)

    This is my first and most likely last map here of Forgehub. I'm not a very active forger, but I know many advanced techniques that I use whenever necessary to improve my map.

    This map is based off of Dark Zero Zero's race map "Icicle". I had downloaded his map, and found that it was one of my favorite race maps on Avalanche, but there were many flaws. For one, there were a few parts that weren't very smooth and could use improving. Also, it wasn't cheat-proof. He does however deserve a nice chunk of credit.
    I took his map and re-did a good half of it. The only thing that hasn't been changed at least a little from the original is the first jump/landing. I could find no way to improve upon that.

    This race map is EXTREMELY smooth and 100% UN-cheatable. That means on mongoose and on foot. There is also no way to skip track on mongoose to take a shortcut. No honor rules needed.
    My favorite feature of this race is its speed. almost all of the track, you can go full throttle, and normally be fine. You will roll a few times, but they can all be landed without getting off the mongoose, and won't loose much speed.

    Screenshots (in order, so it's a walkthrough of the map) (click for hi-res)

    Starting point

    First Jump

    Landing after first jump

    First turn, somewhat tight, but sheild door assisted so you dont loose speed

    Not really finish, as it is in the middle of the race, so...
    Point-counting line -- Completely un-cheatable
    If you go off the grav-lift you can see, than you will die, whether you are on mongoose or foot. The other gravlift (the one you see first in the race) will safely transport a mongoose across, while on foot, you will go OVER the point line and not trigger it.

    Tunnel - with grav-cannon at the end. Full speed ahead!

    Landing zone for the cannon

    Golden hill, after a U-turn

    shield door assisted turn after the hill

    Jump over the power cores!

    Wide-open straight-away

    The last jump

    The last landing

    Back to the beginning!

    I hope you all enjoy my race! There is still some money left over in forge mode so that it's left open for future improvements by myself or any of you. If you use it to improve upon it, please just remember to mention me!

    A little word of advice - It's rather difficult to make long-range jumps that you land every time. They are very easy to land, but you still can miss them. For most of them, just aim for the center of the ramp and you wont have any trouble.

    Here's the links again for anyone who is too lazy to go up to the top

    Debo37 likes this.
  2. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
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    looks cool, but did you rebuild it, or just tweak it
  3. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    wicked track man, definatly on my download list
  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    avalanche race tracks = awesome. i will DL later
  5. TheEazyB

    TheEazyB Ancient
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    looks pretty cool. heres a pic of my favorite part:
    #5 TheEazyB, Jun 3, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2008
  6. Raccio14

    Raccio14 Ancient
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    1/2 was rebuilt
    1/4 was tweaked
    the last 1/4 was left alone, because there wasnt much of a way to improve it.
  7. Dark Zero Zero

    Dark Zero Zero Ancient
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    First of all, I'd like to start off by saying that I don't even know Raccio14. So it comes to my amazement when a map I worked so hard on is ripped off by someone who never got my permission to even "tweak" it.

    Really. Well the start is exactly the same. The first jump is exactly the same. The landing is exactly the same. The next turn is exactly the same. The cave bounce seems to be flawed now because their is a pointless barrier and the one shield door is moved so you don't land correctly like you would on my original map. Then the shotgun room is exactly the same. The tabletop jump does have a lovely mancannon added to it, which I don't find necessary. Then the underpass section and the "golden hill" are exactly the same.

    Then you apparently decided to delete (or rebuild as you put it) basically one of the fundamental parts of this race. I had a sky path and a beautifully interlocked sniper tower chute. Half of this was enclosed and the other half would send you down to the underpass and only cost you about ten seconds. Instead, you chose for a wild mancannon into a shield door, which, out of the seven or eight times I attempted to maneuver it, I was tossed sideways every single time. Shortly after is this triple mancannon power core jump. Yay! Once again, this kept throwing me sideways and was everything BUT smooth. And to clarify, this section that apparently counts for the half of the course you "rebuilt", seems as though it only incorporates about 1/16th maybe of the course. I guess those extra mancannons must have made up the difference though.

    Final comes the home stretch. You apparently cured this jump by making it wider. W/e, I never really found that a problem ever. It seems nearly the same jump as before... Similar theme, huh.

    So you're probably wondering why I am being a jerk, ey? Well you first take my map and manipulate it without asking. You then make it worse. You take out some of the best parts and add some of the most generic and least thought out elements. You ignore the countless (and there were many) hours that I spent making this map exactly how I want it. Then you package it into your own original idea. You go onto forgehub, onto the same place I posted my map. You even give the map the name of my sequel! Then you decide, hey, maybe I should give this kid some credit. So you say well I took Dark Zero Zero's map that was critically flawed and I made it 100% smooth. You proceed to post basically the same angled shots I took for my post and claim them as your own. Hell, you even use some of the same tips and phrases as I did on my post. But to top it off you try to act like you rejuvenated my track, gave in the full once over, tweaked every wrong, angled every corner, perfected every jump and smoothed every lane. When in reality, you posted an inferior map in near plagiarist's form.

    Don't believe me?
    Check the map.
    And check my post.
  8. Raccio14

    Raccio14 Ancient
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    dude, relax. I'm not even a forgehub member. I mereley posted this because I prefer racing it much more than the original. I'm trying to be nice by posting a map. It's not like I "stole the original". Its not plagiarism, and its IS a game. I gave all proper credit where it was owed, READ MY FIRST POST. also the reason I named it Icicle2 is because I felt it was wrong to change the name, as it would take credit away from the original track. Notice how I named it "Icicle 2, and not "Icicle V2".
    finish line I have ever seen. I moved it to the man cannon area

    The first jump WAS left the same, I SAID THAT MANY TIMES
    LOOK AT THE FINISH LINE. In your original, the finish line was right behind the mongooses that you spawn at. It was completely dumb. You could mereley stand there and win the race. So I moved it to the sheild door part, but if you got off your mongoose after completing it, you could go into the latter mancannon and get another checkpoint. In order to fix this, I added the wall that DOES NOT EFFECT GAMEPLAY. you never touch it when doing that part normally, as it is below the sheild door. I DID NOT MOVE THE SHEILD DOOR. it is exactly the same "bounce" effect as the original.
    The tunnel part was also flawed, you could easily slow down and drop to the ground, letting you skip the entire golden hill and sky section. that is why I added the mancannon
    as for the U-turn, I found it rather confusing the first time, so I added an arrow. Minor tweak.
    Your entire sky area was horrible though. It was easy to drive off of at the beginning, skipping the entire thing and completing the race faster. Not only that, but you lost major speed. the turn caused you to slow down greatly and the sniper tower part was way too narrow and when you went into it, you hit the ceiling, which was really disorienting.
    I cleaned up the ending jump and made it more smooth by curving the double and single boxes for a better flow. It was a little annoying how you had it before.
    The last jump was the only one people ever had trouble making when they raced with me. I made it easier to land

    Seriously, I gave you credit. I never saw your post here, I saw it on Bungie. I'm leaving for camp in 2 days so rather than taking tons of time to try to contact you, I just posted it. I'm sorry. I thought you would have been a little more mature than that and accepted that I appreciated your work and that is why I made a successor. you should really feel honored, because your map is the first map that really inspired me to forge.
    Please relax because it is a game. I gave you tons of credit and I did feel that there was alot to be fixed with your track, as stated above. I am not going to continuously defend this, as I dont really care much.
    I posted this because I find it much more fun than the original, and It is no longer "honor rules needed". I merely was getting it out there so people could enjoy. Its not worth fighting over and If your going to be this immature, then I guess it was a mistake joining forgehub in the first place.
  9. Kevelocity

    Kevelocity Ancient
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    I really liked the original icicle so i'll dl this one. me and my friend tried to modify the first one but it didnt work out to well. i'll let you know which one i like more. great map!
  10. Imperator 14

    Imperator 14 Ancient
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  11. Kevelocity

    Kevelocity Ancient
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    okay, you had good intentions, but the map is pretty much the same thing except you took out my favorite part and added a bunch of man cannons. and in both of the maps, the first jump always shoots me into the first double box on the right. so yeah, nothin too special here.
  12. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    Nice map i have seen one of these maps before called Ice race most amazing race course ever
  13. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    Just thinking could you of had more in the air so you were building more bits floating cause i love them and be a dear devil if you make another race course make a jump or have 2 different ways that what i did and it was funny. Yet very strange for the driver lol :) good map though 9/9.0000000000000000000000000000000001
  14. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
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    Your pictures are huge, I did not read any of that. no download, sorry.
  15. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Looks good and some of the parts look fun but do they all work well?
  16. AlwaySm0kin

    AlwaySm0kin Ancient
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    i am going to dl only 1 version. i think ill give credit to the original map maker.
  17. Scalpel Technique

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    first and probably last post on forgehub? Hopefully last, unless you can actually come up with your own map, something original.

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