Fortnite’s Creative mode is ok, don’t know if anyone else has tried it yet? It’s nowhere near the fluid building options Forge is. If you want to feel like you are forging back in Halo Reach give it a try. Lol. For about 2.5 hours I tested it making a derelict speed build version of most of Nuketown using their houses as prefabs.
Here is full topview of Rathole. The full playable area is shown except for a little bit of the corners.
The theme of Rathole is a quarantined New Mombasa slum. The map will definitely support Slayer and CTF. It will also likely support strongholds, and an infection version will also be made soon.
This layout reminds me of the Gears of War Bridge map. Can’t remeber the name of it at the moment though. Edit - I think it’s named Canals
Rathole is now ready for testing! Let me know when y'all can be on. My gamertag is LXM nadekil, message me if your interested in helping test the map, and I'll plan a time and day to test the map. Planning to test it for Slayer and CTF. Infection will be coming shortly after.
Have finished my first draft of my map Cliffband. I submitted it to two playtesting groups and I'm now waiting on responses.
No one on WAYWO seems to be giving you valid criticism, so I'm gunna hit you up with some. Game play wise, this looks very open and flat, which is a style of map that doesn't work very well in halo. I would suggest adding more verticality. Maybe some sort of raised highway or train track? Just something to break up that huge middle lane. Visually, it is decent but some more visual flair can be added. But be wary, ceeating a detailed map doesn't mean overloading every nook and cranny with extra pieces. For some inspiration, look at forgers like @CommanderColson and @SaltyKoala. They're really good at creating really clean looking maps without using an insane amount of pieces. Overall, I would suggest to make this whole thing a tad smaller too. Good work and I hope this helped!
Thanks for the feedback man. I'm going to try to get some better vertically by adding a ruined building in the middle of the grassy area. I've started adding a few pieces there but I've still gotta decide what exactly it will look like and give it a purpose.
part of what I think he is pointing out to you, is that having a big flat grassy area is part of the problem. Putting something visually obstructive in the middle of it only breaks up the Lines of Sight (LoS) but may not give players new elevation changes for themselves as they traverse said area. Maybe try to vary the terrain structure itself some more? Not all of the buildings need to be the exact same elevation at their base, for instance. Paths around said buildings could be more undulating. @WeedCough 's suggestion about not always adding more pieces for clutter is good - Ithink this translates to not merely adding more pieces around a flat open area (what some forgers call "lazy cover"). For instance, don't add any more overturned vehicles just to get cover The elevation changes and pathing variations will give you natural, structural cover.
Ok, I'll try to figure something out. The grass area isn't flat, but the streets are. The map layout is mostly based on bog from Modern Warfare, which has flat streets, and a hilly bog area. This map is bigger, with a little more cover, but I can see it needing more cover. So far I've mostly focused on visuals, and only tsted the map once. I'll try to change some things on it for more cover, and verticallity.