Forger and co-forger : ArKer Spectre and ArKer NeXus Map name : Apotheose Supra Gametype : 4v4 Slayer Comment : I changed the layout of apotheose and reduced its size. Feedback : The Size (for 4v4), any other useful comment
New copy of map intended for last week... All bugs should be worked out and map is finalized in design, but fixable issues noted by testers that fall within the tight constraints of this map's parameters may be addressed. Stress test for any scoring/VO bugs, sword rotation/behavior problems.<-shouldn't be any problems... *note, map is max budget for this type of map Gamertag: Exterrestr1al Map: Haphazard PLayers: 6-8 FFA Gametype: Random Slayer
GamerTag: lNeedMoreBleach co forger: ARC1T3CTZ, kawecki 22 Map: crossbow Gametype: any btb. notes/changes: last week a base pin happened. a major spawn volume weight was lowered droping the re-spawn rate outside of the bases which I've fixed as well as relocated a few spawn to the out side and added cover on one of the base entrances. feedback: anything regarding the bases cover, spawning and exitability (are you having trouble getting out of the base). as well as general feedback.
Gamertag CheapBox v2 Coforge Sgt x Slaphead Map Vengeance WIP v2#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_CheapBox v2_1848a3b8-9d9a-46e3-a51f-7b3e09902f29 Gametype: Retro KOTH (in my bookmarks) 4v4 for mythic testing, all feedback is needed.
map: slipstream gametype: slayer player count: 2v2. You can try 4v4 as it's certainly on the larger side. Difficult to scale with gravity sliders and all... desc: rough first draft of the craziest map ever link:
GamerTag: Squally DaBeanz Co-Forgers?: Map: Hinterlands Gametype: Big Team Strongholds Player Count: 16 Map Link*: Hinterlands GamerTag: Squally DaBeanz Co-Forgers?: Map: Pioneer Gametype: Big Team Strongholds Player Count: 16 Map Link*: Pioneer One more BTB, but I can’t locate it until I get home soon
Gamertag: Sir Veyza Map: Thieve's Den Gamemode: Strongholds, Flags. Looking for Feedback of any kind. Map still needs a general art pass and optimization. Veyza#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_Sir Veyza_bd004bdf-d88c-4a8c-80e5-456fcf8ea9f1
GamerTag: lNeedMoreBleach co forger: ARC1T3CTZ, kawecki 22 Map: crossbow test. cant link waypoint broken. should be visible. Gametype: btb any feedback: idk... ive made updates if u host.
Hey I just wanted to update you all on whats been going on if you havent been following. I have a new job starting Jan 2 of the new year and its in the seattle area, and for those who dont know I live like 2500 something miles away. So for the past week and the next couple I will be dealing with moving that direction and getting set up. This big move coupled with thanksgiving and christmas have made it difficult to consistantly host or host at all Forged Friday like I would like to. My goal is to start hosting again either the first or second week of the new year assuming we have maps and people to play on them. Again real sorry I havent been able to host the maps like normal but I do plan to continue once my situation simplifies. Thank you for your patience.
Gamertag: Dirty Pugsley Co-forgers: N/A Map: Cliffband Gametype: BTB Slayer/ BTB CTF Player Count: 16 Description: Outdoors map inspired by Avalanche from Halo 3
Gamertag: ShotAces Co-Forgers: Foge, II SEGA USA II Map: Power Down Link: Game Type 1: Oddball Game Type 2: Slayer Game Type 3: CTF Description: Mirror symmetrical map. Ground pound may give access to parts of the map that are too powerful. I have been testing on HCS settings.
It seems i am cursed in life to continue to live in places with sub par internet. Inmates in a third world prison have better internet than what i currently can get. so streaming is on the back burning till i can make some changes. sorry for the delay everyone, but i am working to try to remedy the situation.
I have finally moved into my new place, I have actual internet, heat, a non leaky roof, and meats back on the menu. Hoping to get settled and ready for maps again
When you start lobbies back up, I have a map that's been sitting for forever that needs testing bad Gamertag: King Kantalope Map: Contagion Player count: 4v4 Gametypes: HCS CTF, HCS Strongholds Edit: Here's some preview picks of the blockout + gimmick