Does it really matter for the point I'm trying to make? Both are built on the concept of communication with and knowledge/learning from "angels/seripham" (Trans dimensional entites)
It draws on a great many influences, most notably: Jewish Kabbalah, Western astrology, Alchemy, Pagan religions, especially Egyptian and Greco-Roman (it is from the latter that the term "Hermetic" is derived), neoplatonism, gnosticism, the Enochian system of angelic magic of John Deeand Edward Kelley, hermeticism, tantraand the symbolism of the tarot. Hermetic Qabalah differs from the Jewish form in being a more admittedly syncretic system, however it shares many concepts with Jewish Kabbalah.
Hierarchies are different. But honestly just from my wording you should know I am ****ing around. When do I ever say "kicking it". Also, I am talking about Christian Kabbalah when talking about abrahamic. Duhh... Like Jewish anything matters at all.
Well the bait was half taken, I guess ill have to settle for that. Im honestly suprised nobody here is more interested in the topic.... guess ignorance is bless. RiP Carry on nerds.
Is it really that hard to believe? Wether you believe it or not, there are extremely wealthy and powerful men who whole heartly believe they are In communication with Inter-Dimensonal enties. These men didn't get to where they are at by random chance. Make of that what you will. The universe is not as strange as you'd imagine, it's stranger then you can possibly imagine.
Yes, it is extremely hard to believe. I don't care what rich people say or what they believe. That last sentence is nice and I couldn't agree more.