Over the past few days I've seen about 3 very big and very awesome unreleased maps on Blackout. They all used the under the map and out of the map sections, nothing on the original blackout. So I was wondering what the community thought about the subject. Also, post number 777, I just won the lotto!
I havent seriously tried anything on Blackout yet, but I'll add that to my idea list. I've got like five other ideas for maps right now. Only one, that I've actually started to make.
Blackout is good, and seperates the men from the boys because of the amount of tedious saving and quitting involved to make a decent map off the edge. what i find even funnier is how everyone was saying that ghost town was going to be the map to forge on, but i have yet to see something truly spectacular, there have been good attempts, and notable mentions such as cabbage patch and 10 paces and turn, but nothing that made me believe that ghost town was as amazing as was first implied.[/offtopicness]
I never could never even try the Blackout map because I don't have that map pack so , I wish I could try it, it would be fun I guess and I like the light dim efects I've seen from videod- these must be good maps.
Its hard work to forge there, but its a really good map to use imo. I wish more people were trying it.
I'm having a hard enough time just making maps in foundry and you want me to try doing that!!! Are you out of your ****ing mind?
I HATE BLACKOUT (In gameplay. Again, I never forge on it) And, just because I couldn't help it: And as an answer:
Its as hard as you want it to be. Its not much different from foundry in my opinion, you just don't have a floor to build on and getting a smooth surface with boxes can be tricky. As for this showing off my sexy creations business, I have no idea what you are talking about
of course you don't my little hammer... and that may have backfired, i just downloaded zulu, but i dunno, you and rusteh were talkin bout it last night and it sounded like a secret...
I think, to be honest, any map has the capability to be epic so long as the forger has enough originality (or spontaneous fluke when it comes to ideas). But Blackout's extensive "off-map" space does seem to make it ideal for creating whole new maps, rather than conversions.
wow, we went way off-topic, better get back on... i'ma gun attempt something on blackout, will report back after that.
Yea it is pretty hard to make maps on blackout.I am currently making a map under blackout but im not sure if im going to release it.
I personally always found that floating maps always lack something. Although Ive never been able to say what exactly. Maybe I've just been playing the wrong ones, but I tend to lose interest really quickly.