You forgot about jumping off deployable cover, and why don't you guys just make the walls normal height but put like a bridge at the top horizontaly, and sticking out a bit, this eliminates Brute Shot jumping without putting an entire roof.
NOOO! This meens the map ive been workinon for weeks is gonna be an epic fail Time to go and add more walls...
I wouldn't worry too much about it if it's certain gametypes like slayer, CTF or KotH. If your map is infection or oddball, however, you might want to try things like what roche said.
I love that bungie put the brute shot on foundry though. I get on top of the map everygame and snipe the **** out of them. But looks like everyone's gonna have to dome the **** out of there maps now lol.
Nice find. Ive known about this but it's always good to post a thread to let people know about it to make their maps better. P.S. - I really love the raddar jump glitch Its like grenade jumping but without losing any health
Well its not working because your letting the whole FH community know, and soon all of halo will know
Unfortunately, this is already well known and has been known for quite some time. I was shown this by my friends in a custom game about a month before the legendary DLC and they have known it for a while. Fortunately, you can't do this in a custom game, i mean it is difficult, because 2 shots can take down your shields and you can't go past three, sometimes two, unless you have an overshield. Although, there are assholes out there that would try to do it.
to be honest ... the chances of anyone getting an overshield, throwing a radar jammer down, exploding it with a bruteshot and jumping mid-game are pretty slim ... unless you're shite at map-making and its the only viable option.
Umm yea i guess you guys never been to HIH( theres a secion in it thats all about jumping... and trick jumping. im surpised that you people never knew about it.. but guys it doesnt matter really half the people that play your maps dont know you can use a bruteshot to do that stuff. Heres the jumping forum at HIH Oh and guys when he went off the equiment that was *****.. he had to shoot it... you can just jump right off them. Its called Equiment Jumping. and im surprized that you guys never heard of this stuff really they been doing it since halo 2...
I think it comes down to what is feasible during game play and what isn't. I really doubt that most maps could be broken in game using this method, as long as there is a reasonable height to map walls. I don't think it should be too much of concern. And we're playing customs anyways. If someone keeps breaking a map, boot them. And for those who are curious, I have a new edition of End of the Line which has actually removed the brute shots and fixed an easier way to leave the map....along with other weapon changes.
People really bash my maps when its obvious a grenade jump and you cam get out. Its just not fun to play with people who intentionly try to jump out anyway. I make all my walls very reasonably high. Oh and i dont like the Brute shot, I dont have one in any of my maps. Thats really cool though that you can jump like that with one, I didn't know you could do that.
The thing you omitted is the fact that you can actually pull off five consecutive Brute Jumps (my friends and I have called them BJs since we figured it out in January) with an Overshield. In addition to the Radar Jammer, you may also jump off of Flares and Power Drainers in the same manner. As a side note, the Jammer and the Flare were removed from matchmaking because you can jump off of them, but I'm assuming the Power Drain stayed because it hurts you and makes you an easy target. So the most you can easily pull off in a standard game is a triple Brute Jump with a Power Drainer deployment jump at the top, landing you at about two and 3/4 box height (in Foundry).