So... A few weeks ago a passagener was boarding a plane, and before enter the plane in a pre-security check he was told to take off his shirt. Why was this, because it had a gun on his shirt. The passanger was confused, and they made him strip and put on a different T-Shirt. This is now on airplanes, you cannot wear T-Shirts with bad words or weapons on them. So... This is going to start happening in cities, counties, etc.? Are the police going to say "Get on the ground, you are wearing an illegal T-Shirt!" This is complete bullcrap, I actually believe the U.S. is actually worrying way too much now.
i think this all started when a female got in trouble because her skirt was too high, or her shirt was too low, i d remember, but i do remember some story about that, which made me sad, i rather enjoy skirts being too high, and shirts being too low...(call meh a perv, im just being honest)
O MAI GAWD, HES GOT A DOUBLE-U EM DEE ON HIS SHIRT, GET HIM!!! Wow, that would just be weird. However, shirts like these make me want a law banning certain shirts. You either wear this because you're an selfish pig, or because you're an ignoramus. Either way, both are disgusting.
I think it would be really funny and I would enjoy watching it. From now on you may only wear t-shirts of a solid color no images on it! -Donuts
apparently someone got pulled up whilst boarding a plane because he had a transformers TV series character on his shirt, now that's just ridiculous...
Aren't airlines private companies not affiliated with the government? Meaning you have to agree to their terms?
Nemis right, all women in airports should be seen shirtless, with either a bra or no bra. (thats what i interpreted from your link nemi, a bra wearing Hawaiian chick.)
thats totally ridiculous, i mean its not school, jesus. checking every nook and cranny of this guy should be enough...whats he gunna do, use his magic powers and take the gun image off his shirt and make it be real and kill everyone on the plane so it crashes in the ocean and he dies too.....
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL the fact of it not being school is a very good point though, i remember going to school, and they didn't like how we had "holes" in our pants, or how womens' skirtses were too "high" psssssh...or how their top's were not is not fair to the rest of the students...