I either get creative or use one my go-to responses: "please don't search in this playlist while I'm online." "I bet you could make your dreams come true and never play this game again" "wouldn't it be great if this didn't happen when you tried?" "I'll buy you an Onyx Req Pack if you only play MCC for a week."
Honestly though, if the game is rated M I don't see many reasons to enforce against a swearing match. Sure harassment could still be a thing, but yall know how big a fan I am of the block button :thanos:
My buddy was suspended multiple times for saying kill yourself, the last time it was “kys” and he got a month lol
I don't hate xzamples I just think he's retarded when it comes to design stuff. I was literally just laughing out loud when I typed out that crazy message to him the other day Ahahaha I only hate 343. And portaleer
So I know at lot of you guys aren't bothered about the 4v4 contest (all the more chance for me), but I'm entering anyway. Don't expect to win but it's a good starting point for getting back into forge after my brief break for far cry and I'm hoping to learn something to. I've never really made a competitive 4v4 map so it should be cool. Anyway I decided on a theme, although no idea about layout really yet. Basically, many of you may know I've made a lot of dark souls themed maps so this map will be based around the dark souls 2, crown of the sunken king dlc. Anyway, I've whipped together some basic architecture and I'm wondering on your thoughts. The first screenshot is a small area that focuses on the first area of the dlc while the 2nd screenshot is an unfinished room which is inspired by the dragon sanctum. My current worries are how square the architecture is, especially in the first dlc area which doesn't provide much opportunity for interesting layout. It's just a maze of large square/rectangular buildings with no windows and tight doorways. The dragon sanctum area has more angles and curves in it and is more breathable so it may be the focus of the map. I do really want the map to incorporate both areas and could try to provide more interesting paths in the first area with terrain. If you look at the third image you'll see that, in game, the dragon sanctum and the first area are separated by long bridges (sanctum on left). Basically I'm questioning whether I should bother trying to create a layout to incorporate this architecture or just come up with a new theme or just take more creative liberties with the layout when I come up with it. Thoughts?
Layout is done I think. I left it visible in case anyone wants to walk around Edited for video upload
I’m gonna try to make a map for the 4v4 too. Is a good way to get back in. I’m on vacation now in DFW but when I get back I’m going to start layouts.
I can pretty much countdown to the hateful message about how im going to hell after a spicy game of dubs. Not only that but my reputation dropped to orange level 'needs work' based off of something like 25 reports for my gamertag. Thats mainly why i only play matchmaking on alts now. Consider how many messages i got during the climb to 4700 followers... YIKES. I love my GT but a lot of people dont.
I find workarounds with text chat, party chat I usually call people massive faggots or pussies (hackers and what not). Text chat I just use playground insults like loser, freak, baby, no friends, and the occasional idiot. Common theme is all of them tend to have anime profile pics so my insults are probably true given that they're cheating on a game for no reason (alone). I love it when I point fun at their profile picture and they try to turn it back on mine. The whole inside joke of my XBL picture was founded on bait and misleading people so it warms my heart to see that it still works in 2018. I also throw useless baby insults at tryhards with Achillies or Haunted that either sweat and or teabag whenever my team beats them. Funny as h*ck when they fight back.
While I agree somewhat, my dad lives in Weatherford so we came to visit him and the kids want to go to LEGO land and Rainforest Cafe.