Im not the best guy to give lighting advice but There is a light which can sort of simulate natural sun rays, but if you would rather use the sun then you have to start it the way you did. Different colored tiles could be a nice effect, unless its extreme. In which case, you might need to have the black box (forgot what the phrase is) surround the map. As long as you have partial lighting over an area with many objects, the lighting will give you the **** (in my experience at least).
Xzamplez im working on changing my GT still. Its easier said than done. Theres just a lot of factors to consider only to avoid hateful messages and people judging you based off of three words. No gods exist has been my actual main forge GT since halo 5 released because we used to not be able to hide our files.
Why is it easier said then done? I went from xzample to ispeedrunnaked to max is the goat to lucid dream on to ubikilledtrials back to xzample in like two years. ~$40 well spent
Okay. I did all of that, so I guess that's good. Actually, it remains to be seen if that's good, lol. I don't have enough experience to know what the finished product will actually look like. Just made my best guess. I'm using the Sunset skybox on Alpine. I also had a basic color template picked out ahead of time. I'm mostly uncomfortable with the interior lighting at this point. I guess I'll just have to wait until I get a bit further on to figure out what I need to do for that. I figured out a workaround for the discolored floor tiles I think, but I'm hoping I won't have to use it. We shall see. Yeah, I know about chroma boxing. I don't think that'll be a good option for me since I'm planning to utilize a good deal of the natural lighting. It's always an option if it comes down to it though. The color difference of the tiles is pretty extreme, and looks totally unnatural. Like I said in my response to Goat, I've found a workaround if it's still a problem when I get further on. Thanks for the advice guys. I'll continue plugging away, figure things out as best I can, and ask y'all for help again if I get stumped on anything.
I will eventually. Im communications banned atm. Ive already made changes to the layout and weapon layout since you guys arent using it. Splinter grenade is back baby.
Dude what got you com banned you have to share ahaha I've been banned like 5 times on Xbox now and each one gets longer. Can't even **** talk on Xbox anymore like what's the point
This is my second time this year, so its for a week. First time i got mad at this guy i was playing fifa with a called him a little b****, this time i told some douche to go f*** himself for kicking me at the end of a 30 min long payday game so i didnt get any rewards. Shits lame as hell