@qrrby I like the courtyard area and the pathing through the towers, but I would either shorten or angle the hallway that hugs the perimeter.
Damn, Ground Pound is being disabled. That's one of the coolest things to do on Ironhall. Still submit it? I don't know.
Why can you submit any map anyway? Why not new ones only? I mean some maps have been around for more than 2 years and had tons of feedback from many sources. Polished, fine tuned, proven to work and evolved over time. I can imagine the top 10 or so being old maps but I could be way off.
For guys like me who started a layout 2 years ago but didn’t finish half of it. Now I can go finish it and score $500 dawg. Booya
We're staying with extended mags, but testing SMG secondary. Could assist in CQC while filling in that CE AR role. Magnum wipes it way faster in all ranges so it's not a head to head issue. We're also testing knock back so a player could easily push an SMG guy in CQC away and 1 tap him.
I take it back saltys new map is the new best https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/soldat-duchrist/video/56826025
@qrrby and I are gonna win with this epic redesign of his 2v2 I'm working on. I'll take the money from first place and refund him for the controller he bought me lol. I'll show pics when I punch out a good blockout. But first thing's first: homework.
Listen to me. I know that you're just waiting for us to release our maps so you can absorb unearned information and patch your map with it (you know, the one you posted a blockout of like a year ago) in order to make it look like you know what you're doing In the meantime, here are some *trigger warning* objective examples of how your key map doesn't function like a key map in the slightest It might be hard to see, but blue is key guy. It really doesn't even matter though because the run times are exactly the same and another Your doors barely do anything for movement, and they don't even function like mid door in Arcanum. So they don't give the key guy a movement advantage, and they don't give him a sightline advantage because anyone could shoot through the doors with or without key because they're not solid. best in the world
He said it was for 2v2, but now I'm making it a 4v4 map. Here's a hint at what the map will be: "fuselage"
If that's a joke it's going way over my head. Anyway, the temerature has dropped and I'm laying in a pool. Somebody get me a new beer.