On the real, this contest is giving me the forge itch. 4v4 is my bread and butter. On the other hand it seems so daunting to pick it up again when I think about lighting and art. Yeah never mind.
I don't want to cause any hostilities but what kind of arbitrary distinction is that?! If its a contest it's all of a sudden non-improvable by changing the parameters? Honestly sports and contests are barely different at all. They are both competition's with rules. There's nothing different about a sport that makes it improvable by rule changes but contests not. That doesn't make any sense at all. Now I'd understand the sentiment if you are meaning that because it is "their" contest that they can run it however they want. This is true and I don't deny that. But there are definitely ways a contest can be improved by changing the parameters, independent of who's running it. I'm not trying to make it my contest or anything, I'm just playing an advisory role.
There have been multiple working prototypes for it in the past. The problem was that they tried to tie it into this grand "Fusion" mode that could do all asymmetric objective modes with the same scripting, which extended their scope way beyond reasonable IMO. It could've been finished a year ago otherwise and I think they stopped working on it.
Screw it. I need two more forgehub incels to judge wack, crazy, and unique maps. The prize is a bad dragon of your choosing. If you want to judge, dm me on discord at Kantalope#4488. I'm seriously doing this. I'm serious about the prize. Maps must be submitted by December 15th, 2018. I'll start up a thread on my discord: https://discord.gg/MqmZQj I'll be posting an official announcement once I type it up. I should mention that this competition is 2v2, open to anyone in my discord, and all submissions will be picked apart meticulously. I'll see you guys once the thread is published. ESKETIT, Kantalope
I'm typically on board with busting chops when competitions don't use the most competitive rule-set. In this case, I wouldn't say everything is ideal, because it's not, but I also don't think it's that bad. Ever since War took the site over, one of the end goals of the site has been to have Forgehub be a breeding ground of sorts for maps to go into matchmaking. Removing radar, sprint, or anything else that's standard in matchmaking would go directly against that, and therefore make very little sense. If the site prioritized the development of overall level design skill, the rules/settings/guidelines would be pretty bad. It would be pretty easy to argue that that should be the priority, but it's not. TLDR - Forgehub has long held a goal of helping forgers get their maps into matchmaking. Given that is the case, it would be counter productive to use settings that are different than those used in matchmaking.
For some reason the YouTube vid glitches out, but here's more of the Custle https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/qrrbrbirbei/video/56590391
We can decide this once and for all. Side by side. We'll see who can pee the furthest. There can only be one.