If this was a custom game in halo i’d play it 3 times at most, and tbh i dont expect it to last long either. It doesn’t seem to have much else going for it
It'd probably do better if they just dropped the portals and stuck to the idea of being a Halo clone. Rework the maps and give proper starting weapons and boom the game actually looks worth a shot. But no, that's too risky and too grand of a change from the intended draw in. They probably have so much pride in that concept and would laugh if you suggested such a thing. Hell, they'd probably bring out the "You're just not good with the mechanic!" excuse. Yeah, not into gay ass angle shooting, 1 second map traversal, and unpredictable flanking, ****ing freaks. No thanks!
Game looks dope to me. So long as the weapon mechanics reward a decent level of mechanical skill, I don't see what's wrong with the game. It's just a game. I think what's most off putting about it is the busy art style and the fact it ditches almost all the shooter strats/ principals were comfortable and accustomed to. It's like marekting fish as a hamburger. For that reason alone it will prob not do to that well and most for players that play it will leave quickly. I view it as a button masher arcade game more so as an FPS. Like some crazy chase game with guns or something haha. I'd LOVE to see what pro gameplay on this would look like. It'd be insane and reward thinking WAY ahead of your enemy. Could see teams working together to create tele traps and such.. that is if you can portal your opponent. Could be **** tho... I'd wanna see high-level play before I judge it.
Since all I play is Sea of Thieves now, I think I'm gonna make a pirate themed map ..or I might just play some more Sea of Thieves
Haha, I like this line a lot. I agree with most of what you're saying, but I don't believe that Halo is supposed to be played a particular way. It may have been intended to be played one way, but when we forge, we often design maps that are played in vastly different ways, and these maps can be highly enjoyable. If you're looking for designers to keep true to the Halo spirit when they create, then I think that you've already created a rough outline of what is acceptable to you. You've assigned a goal to the designers that they may not have assigned to themselves. Any deviation that is too great from the original Halo idea would surely result in a product that does not feel like Halo (although maybe it's still possible in some weird way). If you believe it is the goal to stay within that outline, then of course you should say that any idea that betrays the original Halo concept is bad design. I think you and I differ because I don't care about the original Halo spirit. If the next Halo played exacty like Call of Duty, I would enjoy it because I enjoy Call of Duty. If this were the intention of the designers, I would call it good design. If people generally liked it, I might also call it a good product. The fact that it would be significantly different from all previous Halo games is irrelevant to me. But, if the intent were to keep to the Halo spirit, and the game played nothing like Halo, I would call it bad design, even if it resulted in a product that is generally liked. And yeah, I agree that just because a designer achieves his goals (or "purpose," as you've been using) does not mean the product will be enjoyable (although making an enjoyable product is almost always at least one of the goals).
Halo 5 is actually the best game of the whole series. The decision making is so in depth that no one else probably sees it with the naked mind. Here it is: Halo 5 is actually what would happen to a video game in this world if rampant Cortana got to it. Therefore, all the discrepancies can be sourced back to Cortana changing the code to fit her new world order. This means that this is the most personal and real interpretation of where the halo universe stands, as we are actually part of the game now. Nay, the game is a part of us, and we're all infected with a bit of Cortana. #blessed #thankful #hischnitzelihopeyou'redoingwelltoday
When LateNightHalo posts the ugliest Halo map of all time as his favorite looking map https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comme...ltiplayer_map_from_a/?st=jjx3b3qz&sh=394b7b76
Post pics of your guys designs and maps. You have me interested and I don’t have xbl I have had the urge to forge lately. I really want to improve. When I use to forge I would focus primarily on theme and aesthetics while making designs I’m comfortable with. I want to learn to design with every decisions having a purpose and being thought out. I also want to create a map that focuses on man cannons. They aren’t used often anymore and I would like to incorporate them into a design that encourages movements to out flank.
So multi, xan, goat, and me all have current maps to be announced... This will officialy delcare the best designer on forgehub. I've had mine sitting in my files and posted a picture of it along time ago when it was is first concept stages. It's definetly the best map in H5 at the moment, but idk well see about that when you guys release your stuff. I probably won't work on the art to much, too much time and it's not worth it