Pengunish and I decided to play photoshop tennis a couple nights ago. For those unfamiliar with the rules read here. Below is what resulted... Starting image (Compliments of Shock Theta) TDF's round 1 Alter Peng's round 1 Alter TDF's round 2 alter Peng's round 2 alter TDF's round 3 alter Peng's uncreative round 3 alter
Lawl,I think TDF one just for the sheer amazement of creating the round 2 picture. I didn't realize that the picture was still in there for a moment. Although Peng did have an epic win in the third round ಠ_ಠ
Just for the record this was my 3rd round three enry, but when tdf saw it hes like "oh yea... i forgot to tell you animations are not allowed..."
Lol, I think TDF won, but the animation is hilarious. Wow, this is really really funny. Thanks for the lolz. I needed it.