Anyone that has to tell people "what they are" in the political field probably helps themself to a nice bowl of glue every morning. Backhanded statements are another telling factor.
I was told by a teacher that I was immoral because I didn't choose democrat or republican in a class poll.
Probably was getting beat by her husband at home so she did it to feel the slightest sense of superiority.
Yeah, alienate yourself even more kid. At least we know how to design friendships. Edit: though I should feel pride I guess for anything to impress Jesus 2.0
Ok, ounce I get Exuberant Mod working again I'll get to work. Not all of them are gonna be polyhedral in nature just to save my sanity.
Damn you guys are Savage. I feel for @Soldat Du Christ He's actually super chill and humble in parties and an all around a good guy. I think he confuses where he is at as a designer beacause he designs maps for himself that HE enjoys the most. I just find the troll stuff cringey and an odd deflection, that why I called him. Get your confidence back @Soldat Du Christ , your a good designer but you can always strive to be better. Surround yourself with people you think do certain things better so you can keep improving. All the love man.
Can Soldat actually DO something before he starts insulting other people's ****? He legit made a map called "Space Junk" because he knew it unintentionally looked like a ball of burnt tin foil lmao.
Soldat was either, A) trolling. B) a narcistic, patronizing asshole. C) just a moron. D) the greatest designer of Forgehub. Take your pick but choose wisely. Combined answers are possible.
professor goat coming in with the level design revelations once again. It's like he wants me to meme his posts I hope we get to play or at least look at this totally unique design that will make us **** ourselves one day, but I think we know what is likely to happen instead
Real love tells it like it is, so unless we have extremely different opinions on soldats work thus far, I don't think it's helpful to give this much of the benefit of the doubt. What's funny about this is that I know for a fact that most people here would be more than happy to give ANYONE feedback and likely propel their ability miles forward, as long as that person didn't act like they didn't need to learn anything. When Christian actually wrote a novel for soldat explaining the problems with his maps, soldat just replied "reason fails once again." That's the mark of someone who either thinks he's too good to learn, or refuses to entertain critical thoughts about his own work for whatever reason. Could be insecurity, could be an ego, I really can't say. What I can say is that it's no use trying to help someone who clearly either doesn't want it or doesn't think he needs it.
I realized this passed week that my main problem - after dealing with budget, framedrops, and the stupidity of halo 5 - is that I just can’t figure out what I ****ing want on my maps. I get attached really easily to things that dont belong and end up spinning my wheels for days making wrong layouts. It is frustrating when the parts are not coming together, but when something clicks, I like to share that excitement with what I learned. I don’t think I am a bad designer, it’s just really ****ing hard for me to arrange what I want on my maps. I did indeed learn how to articulate those shapes better and I’ve made much more progress, but until I get better at figuring out what I want, the maps that are possible for me to do in this game will always be unobtainable. And possible is the key word. I honestly don’t think you guys realize how many obstacles I hit. If the yellows are not orange enough or I have to put a fishbowl to hide the skybox, i’m not going to keep working on it. I mean I tried to make a map the other day, but the color palette I wanted only really worked on one canvas and it limits what I can do with the terrain. It’s not enough to me to make something that plays well; I need the entire experience I listed above to feel accomplished as an artist. And I don’t like to invest that time in things that are easy for me to do anymore, like sci-fi or Halo art. I made a lot of those maps when I was learning how to design, but now that I know how to make interesting playspaces, I want to try things that are ambitious and unique to me. @SaltyKoala says I forge like painting with brush strokes, but forge is like trying to paint with stickers. It honestly sums up most of my obstacles, but the main one is my indecisiveness. It feels like I constantly have to narrow down what I want most from 10 things to 3 and it takes me forever.