It's funny just how tightknit this community is. We talk about stuff that would make most forums explode.
I've grown to quite like the waywo and it's inhabitants, even eggahampools. Soldat has that effect on people.
The '**** You Map Pack'. Then we can host a tournament on all the maps just to see how much rage can be induced through map design. (By the way I actually thought dodecahedron is really cool)
Wow you really are the stereotypical liberal. Sorry you dont live in the best country on Earth like the rest of us.
After sketching 40+ layouts, forging 10 minis, and raging at life size versions of the map, I've finally found a completely unique design that I actually don't. hate.
Sorry i haven't been around in a few days, i know my fans have missed me. I have been going HARD on smash bros Slapheads top down drawings are the only impressive thing about the evolved announcement. That is all subordinates, until next time!
not to sound like a professor before i graduate, but i feel like there are some things a lot of level designers underestimate which have helped me tremendously recently: progression: the escalation in utility of geometry, taking the player from a starting position to a rewarding climax composition: the balance of negative space and weight, which gives the eyes room to breathe and focus on things that are important atmosphere: the characteristic of a map feeling alive, whether it is through lighting, sounds, scripted elements, or false doors and buildings in the skybox. all 3 of these things contribute to making a map feel like part of a larger world and not just an enclosed space boxed off for war game simulations. they enhance the player's ability to learn the map and facilitate an environment that is inviting and memorable. i know everyone has their own style and focus, but i hope the next forge allows more people to branch into this territory. i honestly think it's the difference between an arena and an experience with character. It's really hard for me to make anything anymore without taking those into consideration.