Honestly I'm afraid of spending hours forging with no idea and making something shitty. Aside from the fact that mindless speed forging makes me feel like a tetraplegic with how you have to rotate things on controller, it just takes the fun out of it. Loose but purposeful brush strokes with a couple clean passes are so much more satisfying than aimless "free writing" exercises. Not because I can't do it, but because at the end of the day it feels like I wasted my time playing video games.
Just be non committal. Nuture ideas by doing drawings/mini/slop outs. Then showcase art for those with art prefabs. There is no ungency to polish and finish maps in H5
There is just an overwhelming amount of environments I want to detail and run around in. Cool encounters and behaviors, that's whatever it's part of the greater picture, which always begins with a quesiton: HOW COOL WOULD IT BE TO FIGHT IN A HAUNTED MANSION?! NOW HOW DOES THIS MAKE SENSE FOR A PVP MAP spoilers, it never does and i should just make firefight maps.
Haunted mansion would be sick for a PvP map. Don't try to make sense of it. Multiplayer being lore is dumb
I gave Dunco the idea of a haunted mansion yesterday. Step aside and make your ****ing birchcastle already.
Like Salty already mentioned, I was referring to the fact that you're discounting the possibility of working on them AT ALL because you won't be able to do them in a 'reasonable amount of time'. Don't rush. Don't worry about setting a deadline. Don't let your inability to complete them within a self determined amount of time dissuade you from starting them. It's self sabotage. Just enjoy the process without regard to the result. If you can't enjoy the process, do something else you enjoy.
It's not about lore it's about layout. It's easy to make a generic room based map and throw a mansion art style on it. It's hard to make a PvP map that feels like it is haunted. The advantage of building for AI is you don't have to balance it. You can do whatever the **** you want. So what does that tell you when developers still make generic rooms with art skins on them? Or why the pinnacle of PvE design in games like Destiny are barren fields with random waist high **** to hide behind?
I've actually thought about it a lot today and I realized that my goal isn't to create, it's to consume. I spend more time listening to my own music, walking around my own maps, or staring at my own art than I do making it. I enjoy being a fan more than a creator, but I just happen to be good at creating, and I want to create things that I don't see yet. Hence my dilemma. The process isn't enjoyable at all. Like, AT ALL. But if I'm not creating something, I feel like I am wasting away and sitting on things that should be out. It's a completely self-inflicted contradiction. That's why I can only create with momentum. It has to happen fast enough for me to see results, otherwise I lost inspiration and don't feel like wasting my time in "the creative process". Problem solving is exhausting because it feels like I am just getting in the way. I can pull the best combination of ideas from the quantum realm and can't figure out how to put it together. Honestly I would rather someone else do it - take all these ideas and make them work perfectly. I just want to be a fan.
I like chocolate pudding. No lie though, the best dessert is my wife’s homemade cinnamon rolls. Multi ain’t got **** on her. They take days to make. Have to have some kind of a starter that has to sit out a certain amount of time or something. Whatever she does it’s magic. For my birthday she makes 2 yellow cakes (not sure what that flavor is but it’s a standard yellow cake), uses chocolate frosting between the 2 layers of cake and covers the entire thing with chocolate pudding. Best cake ever.
On another note, I just want to take time to say I appreciate every single one of you. The disagreements and saltiness is whatever because at the end of the day, being able to talk **** and bounce ideas back and forth is a privilege. Even when I piss ya'll off I still feel welcome and I am grateful for this dysfunctional thing we got going on.