If you ever have a stroopwafel imagine you can get them here fresh and warm the size of a small plate. Even all the crumbs are bagged and sold. No joke.
Nah man its a good skill. I've had to sew up a lot of stuffed animals (my kid is rough on my Batman dolls)
do it right and only the mountains would be visible its not like tidal would be doing anything for a "lush wooded" map
Obviously. Can't you see how many traffic cones it took to make that persoon Peach cobbler and Rhubarb pie are easily my top 2
I liked the natural terrain but from what I saw of the buildings looked a little basic. Hard to tell from the top down. There was the more squarish building (from above) that I really liked, but the two roundish towers seemed a little copy paste. I'm sure you can make them varied enough though, the elevation was hard to tell. I better be able to get on the roof of that one
Anybody ever buy a jawbreaker like the ones in edd ed n eddy? Well, ten years ago i did and i dont understand why they exist. I licked one side of it until it became flat (which took days), and cut my tongue because of how gritty the surface of the damn things are. I threw it out. Edd ed n eddy is a lie.
Now we're talking. This is the kind of feedback we need to be throwing around. Even if it's visceral gut reaction, it's all good. I agree with you... I just threw that sketch together based off of that image I posted because I thought the dueling bridges looked cool, and saw some negative space that could be filled with terrain. But the more I developed it, the more I moved away from that image because I thought the plus-shaped design was too symmetric and the two towers on the corner of the map were redundant. I'm still trying to figure out how to change that. Honestly I've thought about getting rid of the waterfall and just doing a street, and putting village houses along the exterior instead. I think that would be cheaper, more endearing, and open up more gameplay opportunities. But, that's an extreme revision and I might be able to get by with a simpler change. I'll try to make the top down more isometric so the next time I post it, the depth will be more discernible. Just have to figure out what I'm doing. Back to step 3!
When I was younger my friend bet me to eat an entire bag of black warheads, and I did. Even though my tongue started bleeding halfway through. Couldn't taste anything for like a week.