Okay, so me and my friend where playin custom games w/ gravity hammers, and explosives(awsome combo) when i thought of this map. Its fairly simple, your on a floating platform w/ gravity hammers and you knock each other off. If you somehow stay alive after the hit, the missles in the range will kill you or the surronding explosive ring. The missles cant hit you so high up so dont worry. Oh yeah... there is a custom power up for 10 sec with invinceability. Gravity Hammers r awsome Download map here: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=37318714 Download variant here: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=37318936 Screenshots: overveiw boundries platform ENJOY!!!!!!!
Hey I see your having trouble embedding your images into your post, well dont worry here is a quick way to fix this problem. Step 1. Access your Bungie.net screenshots that show your map & save them onto your computer. Step 2. Create an account on www.photobucket.com (its completly free). Step 3. Sign into your newly created account. Step 4. Use the Browse feature to select the screenshot/s required. (making sure you are selecting the pictures from your computer). Step 5. Press Upload and wait untill the process is complete. Step 6. Use the IMG Code
thanks for the suggestion ill consider it. as for images, no its not the images, its damn mcafee : ( so it would show if i did that a big sign saying "McAfee"
A few things: One seems too easy to knock someone off. First one to swing wins basically. Two What if they get back into the level? Then it isnt good.
im sure he didnt steal the idea revenant. its not like nobody else has ever done this. a few suggestions 1. make the platform in a map that you can fall out of, like narrows, and make the platform off the edge so that nobody can possibly survive. 2. make platform bigger to make it a lil easier to stay on
Revenant this is deffinetly a coincidence because I've met plenty of people that have created the same exact map and gameplay. So chill out, it's not an original idea. Back to the map, even thought I don't think it's original I do think you made it very clean. The only thing I see wrong with it is the possibility of people getting into the level.
Yeah I apologize for that. My friend kind of got me rowled up and was suggesting I post something like that. Sorry, that is really out of character for me.
I think you need to fix the fuison coils and make em so they don't stop so suddenly. Also, I like the idea
Really good job there. Most maps are made on standoff or avalanche and sometimes blackout if people want you falling to your death.